51~ shes not dying here

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Leuvis stood beside y/ns Body on the cold ground. "Thank you. That was a truly enjoyable time. To you and your friends I give you my most respect" Said the demon.

Emma, Violet, Nigel Ray and Mister were in shock and anger. "Ray! Stay with y/n we need to get her to the base as soon as possible" said Emma as she continued to shoot Leuvis.

Ray knelt beside y/ns body. She was just about breathing and she lost an extreme amount of blood. The raven haired boy felt extremely sick. He just got y/n back and he lost her again.  He looked down to her stomach area to see mass amounts of blood soaked into her clothes and a pool of it around her. "This can't be happening- We Need to stop him, I can't rest until he's gone otherwise y/n could be in more danger as well as Emma and the others" Ray thought out loud panicked. In his mind he tried to come up with different outcomes to help y/n on the spot but none would work out successfully. "I don't have time to make it to the base - I need to help Emma and Mister defeat that demon" he said to y/n still in a panicked mindset.

Ray took off his coat pressing it on where the blood was. He stood up and grabbed his gun, he glanced at y/n with pain in his eyes. "I'll be back I promise. We will make him pay for what he did to you. We'll get our future... y/n please just hang in there" he said as he ran towards the others. "Ray help us!!" Nigel shouted. The teens continued to shoot at Leuvis.


"Where am I...?" Y/n asked herself. She felt cold and alone. "Is this another dream? It's  dark...I can sense the blood leaving my body. Only my wound is burning and hot...and painful. My body feels numb and I feel sleepy..." she said to herself. Y/n turned her head to side. She was lying alone in a dark room. "Huh...?" She asked herself.

Next to her was a younger version of Lucas and Mister. It was as if she was watching a past memory play out in front of her. They were panicked and very upset. "Walter! Annie! Dinah!!" They cried. "I can't forgive them!! I want this all to end!!" Cried another voice. Y/n turned her head to the other side to reveal Oliver, Gillian and the others.

A hand touched y/ns shoulder. It was Ray. "Ray?" Y/n called. He just smiled lovingly at her, beside him was Emma and Norman and the rest of her family. "I need to get up...I need to return to my family...Phil and the younger ones are waiting"  she said.

"What a pitiful brat" a voice laughed. Y/n lifted her head. Sister Krone stood in-front of her with a smile rolling her eyes.

"I have to get back up!! I have to move" y/n cried. Slowly she could feel soul leaving her body, falling down a hole of darkness. "I can't die!! I don't want to die!! I need to go home to Ray and Emma" she shouted.

Y/n fell down into the deep hole. She couldn't find a way out. "Is this it...?" Her eyes began to swell with tears. "All our hard work...I'll never be able to see my family again, I'll never be able to see Ray again" y/n said quietly to herself. Y/n sat on the cold ground and hugged her knees, burying her face in her tears.

"Y/n" a voice echoed. The (h/c) haired girl looked up from the ground. The dark room she was sitting in was now a large warm study filled with books and papers from around the world. "Huh..." y/n said to herself standing up onto her feet. A young man in a white suit with light blonde hair she hadn't recognised appeared from behind a bookshelf with a smile on his face. "You need to get back up there to your friends" he said. Y/n gasped as she recognised his voice. "You're William Minerva- James Ratri" the girl said. The man nodded. "You're my...brother..." she sat there in shock. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help you...you need to go back right now" James said, putting out his hand infront of y/n to take. The girl took his hand and smiled. "Good luck y/n. It's up to you now. I'm proud of you" James said hugging his sister.

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