20~ The special product

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It was a new sunny day at Grace Field. Norman and Emma were outside hanging shirts to dry on the line while y/n was inside lying down on her bed with her notepad scribbling down food recipes she found in a book. "I should make blueberry muffins next" she said to herself with a smile. Suddenly a loud knock echoed through the room. "Come in! Ray if it's you it's your turn to help with dinner tonight" Y/n said waiting for the person to enter. Sister Krone opened the door fully with a creepy smile. "Were you expecting someone else?" She said walking up to y/ns bed. "Uhh...no sorry I just assumed it was Ray-" y/n said with an awkward smile "can I help you?" Y/n asked putting her notepad down.

Krone sat down on the bed beside y/n. "You like it here don't you?" Krone asked. "Excuse me?" Y/n asked confused. "You are so powerful y/n. You are so crucial to Isabella's rise to the top she plainly wouldn't be the best care taker here without you" Krone continued picking up y/ns pencil. "What do you mean?" Y/n asked. "I remember hearing some people talk about you at headquarters ...everyone was so upset you ended up here. As far as I've heard" She said with a smile. "What-" y/n asked "You're what your Mama called her special product." Krone said snapping y/ns pencil in two. "I uh-" y/n said with a nervous sweat just wanting to run away.

Then there was another knock at the door. "Y/n?" Ray asked opening it to reveal Krone sitting beside y/n. "Let's go to the library come on" he said keeping an eye on Krone. "Okay sure!" y/n said jumping off the bed and running up to Ray. Y/n practically hugged his arm and the two left before Ray gave Krone a glare.

"What was that about?" Ray asked as the two walked down the hallway. "It was intense...Sister Krone kept talking about me being a special product and that she heard about me from headquarters" y/n said still slightly confused "Weird, I asked Mama about the 'special product' and she completely dismissed it" He said. "Something is off about all of this..." y/n said. "Don't worry I'm talking to Mama again in a few minutes. I'll ask her about it" Said Ray. "But what's so special about me?" Y/n asked confused as they continued to walk. "Maybe Krone really likes your baking and cooking" Ray said sarcastically which made y/n giggle. "Hey that reminds me, you better help me cook dinner tonight" y/n said. "Okay fine" Ray said "You didn't even resist?" Y/n asked "why should I? I get to spend more time with you" he said, making y/n blush. Ray put his hand on her shoulder and began to walk the opposite way. "I've gotta go talk to Mama I'll see you later" he shouted from down the hall.
"Alright!" Y/n shouted, waving at him with a smile.

"Oh I left my notepad in the bedroom" y/n said walking back the direction she came. The boys bedroom door was slightly open and y/n could see Norman looking behind Rays bed. "Uh hey Norman what are you doing?" Y/n asked "Oh it's nothing" Norman said with a smile. "Come on let's go outside" he said leading the girl down the stairs before taking one more glance at behind the bed.

As the two walked down the stairs they bumped into Don and Gilda. "Hey Norman I brought these things you were looking for" Don said holding two bottles of chemicals. "So what are you going to do with these?" Don asked "They'll come in handy for our investigation" Norman replied. "By investigation you mean go to the fence? To see outside and climb the wall right? What about the tracking devices?" Don asked. "We won't give them time to check" Emma said. "We'll distract both Mama and Sister and create a situation where they won't look at their trackers" Norman said. "But how?" Don asked "Rays stalling Mama right now. I'm having him give Mama false information" Norman said with a smirk.

Back inside the house Ray was sitting on a chair in Mamas office. "A fight with Norman?" Mama asked "we had a difference of opinion" Ray said bluntly explaining why his cheek was bandaged "and what about y/n she has the bandage too?" Mama brushed her hand over the bandage on his face. "She got in the middle of it trying to help and got hurt by mistake" Ray lied. "She gave me the bandage" "I see" Mama Isabella said with a smile. "Norman is trying to kill you" Ray said getting straight to the point.

Mama let out a small gasp. "Of course he would go that far...and?" Mama asked "he's collecting items like chemicals to do it. I told him it was too risky and wrong" Ray said. "And he gave you that bruise. Death by poison can be troublesome " Mama said. "Yeah but don't ship them out early because of this, let them live in this house peacefully until they are at the age to be shipped, that's all I want. Also I want to inform you about this, Sister Krone was talking to y/n today about her being a special product. Could you at least explain?" Ray asked crossing his arms. "Im afraid that's not part of our deal for you to know Ray. But it's nothing to worry about. Sister Krone failed at the task I so simply asked her to do...what a shame, she would have been a great Mama" Isabella said quietly.

"On subject of the plan, let's just switch the chemicals" Ray said. "Do you know where he hid them" Mama asked. "Yeah" "then let's deal with this tomorrow. Is that all you have to report?" Isabella asked "Yes. Is there anything else bothering you?" Ray asked.

"Oh, I'll let you in on this a little early. I received word from headquarters during yesterdays check in. They say that the next shipment is set. There won't be one in December" Mama Isabella said. "So the next shipment is finally me , huh? In January.... My sixteenth birthday" Ray asked with a smirk as Isabella just smiled.


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