22 ~ Here with you

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Emma, Norman And y/n stood outside Krones door. "You guys...I'm really scared" y/n said holding onto Emma's arm. "Don't worry y/n we are right by your side" Emma said with a smile as Norman nodded.

Norman knocked at the door once before it was opened by Sister Krone, greeting them with a creepy smile. She led them inside and picked up an old doll. "We're ally's now, so ask me anything" Krone said as the dolls head broke off. ""We can ask anything?" Norman said "Yes, it can be about the farm, the special product or even headquarters" Krone answered. "Then show it to us, the thing that receives signal from our trackers" Emma demand. Krone just smiled at the three "Oh, of course" She said holding out a pocket watch and walking towards the trio. Norman took it in his hand and showed it to the girls. "There's not a-lot to it is there? It shows the current location but doesn't reveal who it is. So, you knew that there was tracking devices" Krone said crossing her arms. "Yes we found out from Mama" y/n said "But we don't know where they are or how to destroy them" Norman lied. "Do you know Sister?" Emma asked. "Yes, they are found in your ear. Around here on your left" Krone said pointing to her ear. Norman, Emma And y/n stood still as Krone smiled to herself. "I don't know how to break them but I do know that if they are broken a signal notifies the tracking tool and headquarters. You'd either have to take it out or just cut that part off" Krone said placing her scary doll on her bed.

"How?" Norman asked "There's no tools like sharp blades here" y/n said "There is a scalpel in the infirmary" Krone suggested. "There's no medicine outside and I don't think we should start our escape with blood loss or anything like that" y/n said standing behind Emma. "Hmm...that's a lot of thinking ahead y/n" Krone said walking closer to y/n. "Why?" Norman asked "They would never let y/n escape that easily. They need her here if she likes it or not, to rot in this wrenching reality" Krone said. "She will leave with everyone else I'll make sure of it!" Emma protested. "Whatever you want to believe, but with quality such as hers I doubt it" Krone said with a smile. "I was meaning to ask you about that" y/n stepped in. "Ah yes I suppose you'd like to know...I'd hate to break it to you but I don't know a whole lot. All I was told was that y/n was special. She wasn't supposed to end up on the farm but due to sudden demand from a certain higher up she was dumped here. Because of her relevance to headquarters they want to protect her at all costs and when her time to depart the house comes she will be presented with two paths but not like the others" Krone grinned. "but why?" Y/n asked "Not sure. I have however heard many workers speaking about you after your birth but that's it" Krone finished. Norman nodded at Krones response.

Krone clapped her hands "Since that's settled, anything else?" She sang "how old are you exactly?" Emma asked "and have you always been a product?" Krone shook her head "you know it's very rude to asks lady her age, I'm 32 and I was born and raised at this house but not at plant three" Krone said "there's more plants?" Emma asked "And from what I saw on the records, Isabella is 34" Krone added. "Tell us, have you seen the outside?" Norman asked "not once" Krone said bluntly making the three gasp slightly "oh? Did you think that I'd lie and say yes? I haven't. But there are humans out there. The higher ups and the adults make all the food you guys eat, however there are humans who bring the clothes you all wear though I've only seen them once and it seemed like they were all in equal standing with each-other. What you all need to do is get mixed in with the humans who won't get eaten" said Krone.

"So, just how long have the demons been around?" Emma asked "Demons? Oh you must mean them.." "and how did they world get like this? If you know" "I don't" Krone replied. "Where is this house located?" Y/n asked "No idea" "what about the security?" Norman asked. "Now that I do know, there isn't too much. They mainly depend on the trackers so I doubt there are guards at the walls" krone said walking closer to the trio. "Thank you for your help" Norman said handing Krone the pocket watch. "Is that it?" Krone asked surprised. "Yes, goodnight" y/n said as the three walked towards the door and twisted the doorknob. Krone started to laugh quietly and then it grew louder alarming the three. "So! You already knew where the trackers were located and how to break them! I'm actually impressed I've learnt a lot of interesting things during our talk tonight. Information can be provided through body language! Attitude, blinking , sweat , gestures, pupils and pulse. They all hint at what you're really thinking. What gave it away was when I said the tracking device was located in your ear and none of you even bothered to check. And then what I said how to remove them you didn't look the least bit happy. So why did you ask about the devices if you already knew?! Is there something you are hiding from me? I bet there is a secret! Anyways, have you heard of 'the one'?" Krone asked making the three nervous. Krone just smiled "I bet that you haven't, do you want to know? I'll tell you next time you are here" she whispered "let's talk much more than we did today" Krone said.

Meanwhile Ray was in Mamas office examining his new camera she got from headquarters for him as his reward he asked for. "Mama" Ray called pointing the camera at Isabella followed by a flash of light. Ray smiled at the camera as a small photograph slid out the side of it. "so nothing is shown at first" Ray said holding the small photograph with nothing inside it in his hand. "Your last reward is a camera, huh?" Mama asked "I was just curious about how these things work, plus I think y/n would find them interesting" Ray said smiling at the photograph. "Since her and I have only seen photographs and cameras in books. If I were greedy I would have wanted to develop them for myself" Ray said with a small smile.

As soon as he finished his sentence the photograph started to develop "Woah, that's amazing, y/ns gonna be so happy when she sees this" Ray thought out loud causing Isabella to smile at her sons happiness. "You know Ray, I never talk about this but you two remind me of when I was young" Mama said hesitantly "Huh?" Ray asked "I once knew a boy...and he cared for me and I cared for him much like you and y/n" Mama said with a slight smile. Rays face turned pink "We just share a lot of interests that's all" Ray said trying to brush it off. "What's that in your pocket then?" Mama asked pointing to the pocket. Ray put his hand inside of it and took out the crumpled flower crown y/n made. "Oh- y/n just made it for me" he said quickly softly placing it back in his pocket. "I see" Mama said with a smile.

"Oh and regarding to the matter, is it okay if it waits until after lunch?" Ray asked standing up taking the camera with him. "Yes, that should be fine" Isabella said. Ray left the room shortly afterward closing the door behind him.

A few moments later the grandfather clock in the hallway started chiming, echoing throughout the house. Emma was still awake laying in her bed. Norman was still awake sitting up in his bed and y/n sat in the library looking through books researching. Ray walked down the hallway to the library. He was met with y/n studying a book sitting at the table. He smiled and raised his camera to his eye and pressed the button causing a flash of light. "AH-" y/n said covering her eyes. "What was that?" She asked confused as Ray just laughed. "It's a camera idiot. Here" he said handing her the photograph. "A camera? I've never seen one of those in real life" she said as Ray handed it to her to examine. "Woah" she said as she lifted it to her eye taking a picture of the raven haired boy. "Now we each have one" she giggled handing both photographs to Ray who put them in his pocket along with the flower crown.

"What are you doing here so late anyways?" Ray asked sitting beside y/n. "I know I should be looking for more clues about the house but something is telling me to search for clues about this special product business" y/n said flicking thorough one of William Minervas books. "It's not selfish at all. If it has relevance to you it's quite important to me. Did Krone give you any more clues regarding it?" Ray asked moving his chair closer to y/n. "Yes actually, she said she didn't know a whole lot about the matter but she was told I was important to Mama or something...oh, she also told me I wasn't supposed to end up at the house and that I will be presented with two paths when I supposedly get shipped out...different than any of the others" y/n said. "That's weird...but why weren't you supposed to come here?" Ray asked. "She told me I was dumped here for the time being. That a higher up made that decision...it still doesn't make sense though" y/n said putting a hand on her chin. "What doesn't?" Asked Ray. "I have like...this overwhelming guilt feeling...like I did something wrong. And the fact I might have never ended up here...it scares me to think what my path originally was" y/n said with a worried look. "I know this is overwhelming but you're here now with me , Emma and Norman. Whatever it is we can sort it out together" Ray said holding y/ns hands. "Yeah I guess you're right" she said with a sad smile. "If I never came here I wouldn't have got to meet you. So maybe it's a good thing I'm here now" y/n finished
"Yeah" Ray said moving some hair out of her face.

"I better go to bed. It's gonna be an eventful day tomorrow" y/n said. "Yeah you're right I'm gonna go to bed too" Ray said as the two walked out of the library. As the two reached the girls room Ray waved goodnight and started walking to the boys bedroom. As he started walking y/ns arms wrapped around his waist from behind causing his face to turn red. "I just wanted to say thanks for always being there for me, I know you don't like to get cheesy and stuff but seriously, you are amazing" y/n said blushing. "Of course I'll always be here for you..." Ray said with a sad smile. "That's what best friends do!" Y/n said with a smile before walking back down to the girls bedroom. "Yeah... best friends.." Ray said being left alone in the hallway.


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