80K Special Chapter

481 15 14

2044 GraceField House
(Halloween special)

It was a cosy evening at GraceField house in late October. y/n and Norman were challenging eachother in Chess while Ray observed. "He's gonna beat you" Ray said bluntly, looking down at the board. "Stop it! You're supposed to be on my side" y/n groaned in frustration as Norman smiled. "You Just need to practise more" "yeah for like a hundred years before I actually beat you" y/n sighed dramatically.

"Y/n!! Norman!! Ray!!" Emma shouted as she burst through the doors of the library. The three looked up at the orange haired girl in confusion. "What is it? Is there something wrong?" Y/n stood up from her seat. "I have...the most exciting things to tell you!!" Emma squealed as she shook y/ns shoulders. "Huh?" Ray asked. "Mama told me about this celebration people do outside the orphanage! They dress up in spooky costumes and get treats!" Emma beamed with happiness.

"Is that a real celebration or did Mama just tell you that.." y/n asked awkwardly. "I believe it's real, I read in a book of human traditions. It falls at the very last day of October. Which is today. Children dress up in costumes and get lots of candy. People sing and dance and play games in sure!" Norman explained. "That sounds...amazing!!" Y/n gasped with happiness as her and Emma hugged each other. "Why are we only hearing about this now if it's been around for so long?" Ray asked, crossing his arms. "Mama only told me about it a few moments ago but..I couldn't help but share it! So what should we dress up as?" Emma asked.

"That's for little kids and it's silly" Ray rolled his eyes. "But we've never done it when we were younger! We want to make a costume even if it's for fun!" Y/n said. "I'm gonna dress up as a pumpkin! That's spooky right?" Emma asked, thinking aloud. "Your hair is orange enough you don't have to dress up as a pumpkin" said Ray bluntly. "Hey!! Fine I'll be something else then..."

Norman began to chuckle. "Don't tell me you're gonna dress up too" Ray said, looking over at the blue eyed boy. "I don't see why not" Norman shrugged. "Then let's do it! I'm gonna be a witch with a broomstick!..oh wait..I think Mamas gonna be that..." Emma said. "I'm not sure what I should be" Norman smiled at Emma. The girl gasped as her eyes brightened. "Wait!! I know!! Follow me!" Emma grabbed Normans hand leading him outside the library.

" and what about you, huh?" Ray looked at y/n who stood beside him. "Who me? I don't know what to wear either..I might just help the younger kids make their costume" y/n smiled.

"I'm surprised, I thought you'd be the one wearing a costume" Ray leaned back in his chair. "Yeah well maybe I'll do it next year, I can't think of anything scary to wear" y/n shrugged as she left the library. Ray watched as the (h/c) haired girl left the room, he picked up his book and left shortly after her.

A few hours later into the evening the sky was full of sparkling stars and the children were getting ready for their Halloween party in the dining hall. "Y/n! Y/n! Look what I am!" Phil ran towards the girl. He was dressed in a fluffy bat costume with little wings. "Oh my gosh you are adorable" y/n squealed as she picked him up and hugged him tightly.

"Y/n, I'm a butterfly!!" Jemima twirled in a circle showing off her beautifully decorated pink costume made by Mama. "You Are so cute!! Butterflies are your favourite animal right?" Y/n giggled, giving Jemima a kind smile. "Is everyone having fun?" Mama chucked as she entered the dining hall, wearing a witch hat. "Yes!!" The children answered. "You did amazing with making the younger kids costumes!" Y/n walked up to Mama. "Thank you y/n" Mama smiled warmly. "But..where is your costume?" She asked. "Oh..I Couldn't think of anything to wear so I thought I'd just help out instead with the games!" Y/n said. "That's very thoughtful of you" Mama said kindly.

Suddenly Emma burst into the dining hall dressed as a giraffe along with Norman who wore a similar costume. "We are giraffes!!" Emma Announced. All the children ran up to the pair in amazement of the costumes. "How did you make this!" Conny gasped. "Lots of hard work!" Emma put her hands on her waist proudly. "You look so cool!" Y/n giggled. "Thanks y/n!! Wait- where's your costume?" Emma asked, walking up to the girl. "Well I-" "Right here" Ray interrupted, holding a homemade ghost costume. "Huh?!" Y/n asked. "Here, I made you a costume" Ray handed it to her. "Huh?!?! It's so cute!!" y/n gasped. "It was simple to make" Ray shrugged. "And what about you? Where's your costume then?" Y/n asked. "I made two ghost costumes. One for me and one for you...I made it out of table cloth so let's hope Mama won't notice" answered Ray, throwing the ghost costume over his head.

"We're matching!!" Y/n smiled. Ray nodded in response. "This is so cool! Our first Halloween!!" Emma giggled as her and Norman walked towards the ghost pair. "Nice costume" Ray burst out in laughter, looking at Norman. "Yeah well same goes for you. You did it for y/n I did it for Emma" Norman sighed in embarrassment. Rays face turned red under the ghost costume. "No...I just had extra table cloth I didn't wanna waste" he lied. "Okay then" Norman shrugged with a grin.

"Who wants candy!" Emma shouted. "Me!" "I do!" "Give me all of it!" The children shouted. "Maybe only give them two pieces...they could have a sugar rush..." y/n laughed nervously. "Oh yeah definitely" Nodded Emma. "But we put so much work into our costumes..." Alicia sighed. "Yeah...can we at-least get three pieces?" Chris asked. "....Fine!! But only because you are so all cute" Y/n sighed.

After the two eldest girls gave out all of the candies they were left with a handful each. "Hey, any candy left for us?" Ray asked, looking at the empty bowl. "Only about a handful but you can have some of mine" y/n smiled. "Yeah I can share mine with Norman so then we all get some!" Emma suggested.

After the celebrations everyone was getting ready for bed and changing into their normal pyjamas white uniforms.
"That was so fun" y/n smiled, folding up the tablecloth ghost costume. "Yeah!! It was the best! When I leave the house I can't wait to tell my new mom and dad about all the amazing things we did here" Emma fell back onto her bed and closing her eyes. "Yeah me too..im gonna miss it a lot but..maybe we will get to do more celebrations in the outside world" Y/n shrugged. "Exactly!!" Emma smiled.

"I'm gonna give Ray back this costume I'll be right back" y/n said as she left the room. Y/n walked down the dark hallway of the house, every floor board creaked the further she walked...finally making it to the library. "Hey Ray" y/n smiled as she entered the room. "I thought you'd be asleep by now" Ray looked up from his book. "I was about to, Thanks for making the ghost costume for me" y/n smiled warmly. "It's fine, it was something to do...and your reaction was pretty funny" Ray said. "I was just surprised" y/n rolled her eyes with a smile. "It was worth cutting up Mamas table cloth" Ray said making y/n laugh. "Today was great, thanks for making it even better" y/n smiled warmly at the boy, leaving the library. After y/n shut the library door and began to walk down the hallway Ray started to smile to himself. "You definitely like her" Norman snickered.

"Huh?! Do not!!I didn't even know you were in here?!" Ray said in surprise, falling off his chair after the fright.


Sorry for any typos!!

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