59~ An Illusion

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"The supporters were all killed? Is that why we never heard back?" Gillian asked quietly. "All the exits are blocked...what do we do!!" Lanni cried. "Stay calm. Send the message down. Tell everyone there are enemies here now be aware of the surroundings" Yugo told Gilda and Don to pass the message along to the children who were further back.

"What do we do....they don't intend on capturing us and bringing us back to the farms, apart from y/n. They want to kill us now" Ray thought out loud. "Oh of course...we are mistakes the Ratri clan wants to keep under wraps" Yugo said.

Y/n, Pepe and Anna took the medical kit from Anna's bag and began to clean Chris wound on his forehead with a cloth. "It's not going to help much. We need proper bandages and medication we had upstairs... " Anna said. Y/n held the young boy tight in his arms. "Those Goldy Pond Kids..."Emma trailed off, staring at the murdered boys laying on the ground. "They were alive just a moment ago, it's not fair- they wanted to live too. We are humans too...." Emma trailed off.

The orange haired girl stood up in-front of everyone. "We have no intention of breaking the promise. We are going to make a new promise by finding the seven walls. We won't cause trouble to your world that's why we don't have a reason to fight you!!" Emma shouted at the tunnel door where Andrew stood. "The seven walls..." Andrew repeated. "We just want to protect our everyday lives that we deserve!!" Emma explained in an angry tone.

"You are trying to forge a new promise, eh? Actually it gives us more reason to kill you right now" the man smirked. All the children's eyes widened in fear. "Even if the world would allow it we need to keep this order. That's why we need to take y/n Ratri with us because you've got it all wrong. You want to protect your lives? You're food. Your lives never existed from the beginning. It was all an illusion. How embarrassing for the Ratris...It's better you learn that sooner than later y/n...you are running away from yourself " Andrew said.

Suddenly a small container fell from the tunnel door where Andrew was standing. Yugos eyes widened as a gas began to spill from its contents. "Gas bomb!! Shut the fire door!!" He yelled, alerting the children. Violet pulled a large lever closing off the hallway with a metal door. "We can't stay here for long...even if we retreat we're surrounded" y/n said. Ray knelt beside y/n and looked at Chris who was bleeding from the top of his forehead.

"They've blocked the exits...as we don't have the geographical as advantage. How do we escape" Ray thought out loud. "I don't know but still!! We have to get out of here" y/n said feeling the height of stress as she got to her feet.

Andrew put a mask into his face. "Let's see...." He said to himself. "Sir you are aware Y/n Ratri is down there with the cattle children? She could get affected by the gas" one of Andrews men said. "They have a door blocking the gas but not for long. Besides I know they will protect her. We won't be here for long we can get her out of there" Andrew said, handing a mask to the man. "According to the report there are over sixty kids. It was expected but it is a lot. All the escapees of Gracefield, Goldy Pond And Miss Ratri were surviving in this shelter" the man explained to Andrew.

"It is odd though...this was a sudden attack yet they were all so prepared. Did they expect our attack? Oh but it's not just that. They are aware of the seven walls. How and when did they find out about that? The supporters? The previous head of the clan? And their weapons...they're not the ones we gave Bayon, did they get the weapons from here? Is there a room that's not on the floor plan? I see the information the supporters were hiding wasn't complete, eh? Our mission didn't go as planned because of that. And not to mention we cannot kill one out of the sixty. It could become a bit of a problem...I don't understand Peter. He wants to save y/n who is doing the same actions as James in a different manner? Let's just follow the mission and get this over and done with" Andrew rolled his eyes.

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