10 ~ Sister Krone

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After the the four made it to the house they entered the dining hall where all the commotion was coming from. It was Mama she was holding a small baby wrapped in blankets in her arms and also standing next to her was another woman who held a suitcase in her hand.

Ray Emma Norman and y/n stood there in shock looking at the new faces who entered the house. "Alright settle down everyone let me introduce her." Mama said softly to the children who were in awe looking at the new baby. "This is your new little sister Carol." Said Mama showing off the little girl to everyone. She had light orange hair quite like Emma's and she also had light blue eyes and not to mention she was adorable. "And this is Sister Krone,  she is here to help me look after you all." Mama finished as everyone brought their attention to the tall woman. "Another adult?" Emma asked as she grew pale. "Another enemy..." y/n said also growing terrified. Ray noticed y/ns worried expressions and took her hand in his. Soon afterwards y/n started to relax a bit again. Norman nudged Emma and y/n to signal them to keep smiling. And they did just that.

"I will be living with all of you starting today! It's lovely to meet you all." Sister krone announced with an evil smile.

"Please use this room." Mama guided Sister Krone to an empty room upstairs. Emma y/n Norman and ray all stood at the middle of the stair case keeping a close eye on the pair. "You will be staying in this bedroom."  "Understood, thank you" sister krone replied. "She's settling down in a bad spot." Ray said quietly enough so that Mama and Krone wouldn't hear them. Y/n nodded keeping an eye on the two.
"Yeah right between both the kids rooms ..." y/n Said growing nervous of the situation again.

Mama and Krone looked behind them to reveal the four standing at the staircase. They all just started smiling at the two women. Well , apart from Ray.

Every child from Gracefeild house was busy playing games with one another and with their new Sister carol and of course Krone.  Every child expect the four oldest children.

"I was so concerned about the tracking devices I didn't even think about a new enemy entering the house." Norman admitted staring at the floor. "Actually we should be happy about this" Ray said standing behind the three. "Be happy?" Asked Emma "Think about it , Carol and Sister Krone are two new pieces of information." "I see.." Norman muttered
"First of all, where did those two come from?" Ray asked. "Well , I suppose Carol is Connys ... replacement." Y/n said quietly not wanting to think about poor Conny. "

They are replacing the merchandise." Norman added "if this is a farm there must be a site  where the merchandise gets replenished" y/n said staring at the ground. "So we all came from that place originally?" Emma asked " probably, Sister Krone must have came from their too." Ray added. "There might be other farms here just like gracefeild , so the adults who obey the demons are under the demons control from birth or were they captured and brought here?" Norman asked.

"No matter the situation is , we have to escape with everyone no matter what." Y/n said thinking about Carol and all of the children's futures. "Oh and about the tracking devices , I searched all over my body and there were no traces of anything" Emma explained as she touched her chest. "And nothing like it in our clothes or shoes." Norman added. "Based on human technology it probably uses radio waves. But that requires batteries that would last over ten years that kind of technology wouldn't exist in 2015." Ray said. "Meaning?" Emma asked looking at Ray "it will be difficult to make a device to break them and locate them. We might as well give up if the demons have made that sort of technology." Ray acknowledged. Norman put a hand on his chin. "We got to think at the enemies point of view what would be a good place to implant tracking devices on humans..." Norman asked himself out loud. It was silent for a few seconds until a light bulb idea came to y/n. "Carol!" She said loudly with sparkle in her eyes. "You're right! She must have one recently implanted it would be easier to find!" Emma said with confidence. Ray smiled at y/n and put an arm around her shoulder. "Good idea" he said with a small smile and Norman nodded.

Meanwhile in Mamas room, Sister Krone and Mama we're having a talk. "Thank you very much for the opportunity to return to this side." Krone said standing in front of Isabella "I simply made a request for an assistant it's not that I asked for you specifically." Mama answered coldly. "I have heard of your many achievements" Krone added trying to keep the conversation light "the youngest to be selected as Mama position and caretaker. You have raised the grade of merchandise and are trusted with the special product! I am honoured to work with someone who I admire." Krone said with a smile. "Lip service is not necessary. Quit the small talk and let us talk about work instead."Isabella answered showing no emotion towards the younger woman. Isabella opened a drawer under her desk revealing files of paper. "Here are the information files of all my adorable children. Memorise all of the papers, it should be easier than the daily tests." Krone smiled creepily walking over to the desk flicking though the pages. "Just out of pure curiosity , why did you call for an assistant?" "They found out about the secret."

Krones eyes widened and she took in a quick breath.
"They also saw the product and the truck" Isabella finished. Krones mind started racing  "W-well according to the procedure wee should ship those children out immediately! And then-" "stop right there." Isabella said holding up a hand. Krone stopped what she was doing and looked at Isabella. Mama Isabella walked up to krone and grabbed her face. "It is alright I have a good idea which of the children it was, most likely three of the oldest. all we have to do is make sure they don't escape before shipment, besides it will be beneficial to the plant." "So... you aren't reporting it?" Krone asked confused. "No not at all. I will take care of the targets myself. And Krone , you are just a mere Sister." Isabella finished letting go of Krone's face. Isabella put the files back into the drawer walking to the door. "I am the Mama of this house. You are an assistant." She added opening the door for her to leave. "Yes Mama Isabella." Krone Said leaving the room.

"The kids all love her..." Norman said. Emma nodded glancing back at Sister Krone. "Exactly, so how to we overcome the two adults that everyone adores so much." Ray asked annoyed. "You're right." Emma said. Y/n, Ray , Norman and Emma went back to cleaning. Emma brushed the floor with a broom while Norman and Ray washed the dishes and y/n dried them with a cloth. "A big problem that factors is the reports to the demons. When we escape from the house those demons will come straight after us." Norman said washing plates from dinner handing it to Ray who handed it to y/n to dry. "The only way we can stop that is if Mama and Krone would be-" Ray started hitting a fork he was washing on a plate signalling to stop talking. A presence was sensed behind the three. They looked behind them to see Sister Krone creepily smiling at them. Ray stood in-front of Y/n slightly knowing she would be scared of Krone. "I didn't even hear her walk up to us" y/n whispered to Ray. "Ray , Norman and y/n , am I right?" Sister krone asked staring at the three. "Yes" Norman said with a smile trying not to break. "I have heard you three get perfect scores on your daily tests along with Emma." Krone added. "Yeah." Ray said bluntly. "And I think a little bird told me that y/n is very good at drawing and cooking! It's an honour to meet you!" Krone said moving closer to y/n "uh- " y/n said feeling very nervous "Leave her alone. Can you not see she is obviously uncomfortable?" Ray asked annoyed at Krones actions. Krone was slightly surprised by Rays words but she just smiled once again. "I apologise, y/n. Hopefully we can be good friends." She finished before walking off to go play with some younger children.

"Thanks for saving me Ray." Y/n said letting a deep breath out. "Do you think she heard us?" Ray asked the pair. "No don't think so." Said Norman. "I fear she is trying to get us to break. She's probably suspecting us because we are the oldest." Norman finished. "But how did she know those things about us?" Y/n asked the boy "from Mama." Ray said "she is definitely closing in on us. We have to watch our step. " "Alright..." y/n said before continuing to dry some silver ware.


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