14~Telling Don and Gilda

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"How has your time living here been so far?" Mama asked Sister Krone sitting at her desk. "It's such a wonderful house , all the children are delightful and so well behaved" Krone answered nervously. "I see, well lately you have been following my instructions and being well behaved as well" Mama Isabella said putting her arms to rest on her desk. "I was a bit worried because you were unpredictable but it looks like it's been fine. You are back up that I called for to make sure the goods are protected. So there is no need for you to know which ones know the secret. Just be obedient and work. And laugh that you think you've grasped some weaknesses over me" Krone put up a nervous smile "I would never" "Good. You have nothing else to do except being my pawn. If you behave I might grant you a Mama position you so deeply desire. I promise." Krones face turned angry, sweat poured down her forehead. Isabella put her hand on Krones face. "You are a smart girl please do not make anymore mistakes."

Sister Krone opened the office door to leave but Isabella put a hand out to stop her and looked Krone dead in the eyes with a horrifying stare. "And Sister Krone... do not mention the special product to any of the other children. If you do, I won't hesitate to call headquarters. It is confidential information and if it's leaked..." "Y-yes of course Mama Isabella" "the only reason you know is because you were sent here. Don't make me regret asking for someone"

Krone left the room letting out a deep breath. She walked upstairs to her bedroom and locked the door. She walked over to her bed in anger and ripped off her dolls head that was lying there. "That woman is trying to get rid of me!"  She threw the doll on the floor and started stomping on its head. "Just you watch Isabella! I'll drag you down!" She continued to break its head off completely. Eventually she stoped and started laughing like a crazy person. "And then... I'll be Mama!" she said.

The next day Ray, Y/n, Norman and Emma were outside hanging bed sheets on a wire to dry. "Hey Ray, can you hang that one up for me I can't reach it" Y/n asked trying her best to hang up a sheet on a high wire. "Yeah sure" Ray said with a laugh "What so funny?" Y/n asked putting hands on her waist. "Nothing" Ray answered hanging the sheet y/n gave him up. "Hey lovebirds listen up" Norman said. "Hey!" Y/n said annoyed.

"Starting today I think we should play tag in teams" Norman said "In Teams?" Emma asked. "At this rate most of them would die if they escape individually" Ray said "Ray!" Emma shouted at Ray annoyed. "Everyone's movements aren't bad! They are getting better fast!" Y/n said patting Emma on the shoulder. "Still, we shouldn't break them up individually " Ray said. "We can make formations and teams. We can play tag in a way that would be similar to the actual escape" Norman said "the real escape..." Emma said quietly. "And I have another idea. Let's tell Don and Gilda" Norman said. "We should explain the situation and make them leaders of some of the formation teams" y/n added "and what If they are Mamas informatives" Ray asked Norman. "Not a worry. Finding out who the informative is, and also winning over them , we'd basically be killing two birds with one stone" Norman explained. "Just leave it all to me. I've already made arrangements." Ray , Emma and Y/n nodded. "Also, Sister Krone mentioned a special product. Maybe she could be referring to Mamas spy" "What? Special product?" Ray asked confused "When we were playing tag she mentioned it" "that's unusual... but maybe when we find out who the traitor is they can tell us about it" y/n said with a smile. Ray just stood there confused.

"Emma" Norman called. "Yeah?" "I'll tell you 100 types of formations patterns so memorise them" "you mean by ear?" Emma asked "what you can't do it?" Ray asked with a smirk "easy peasy!" Emma said with a smile.

All the children of Grace field gathered outside on the grass. "I won't give up this time!" "And I won't get caught!" "Let's do it!" "Let's try not to get caught for ten minutes." The children shouted. Emma had a team , Norman had a team and Ray and y/n shared a team.

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