55~ My Knight

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Lanni And Thoma Held the pen as everyone gazed up at the big screen projected. 'Search for day and night with the eye of the dragon of Cuvitidala. First go to 10 RI North, then go RI East, then 10 RI South and 10 RI West. Then 10 RI to the sky, 10 RI to the ground. When the arrow stops between sands and the sun sets in the east, walls will appear. The thing that separates us and them, that is the seven walls.'

Y/n narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. "They're joking with us, right?" She said. "Yeah...no matter how many times we read it, it seems like they've got to be kidding with us" Emma answered. "It's cryptic, overall but especially if you go North to East, south and west and back you're basically walking in a circle" Y/n said. "But we've seen the term Cuvitidala before right?" Emma smiled.

Yugo, Don And Gilda walked into the room, Yugo held a large pile of dusty old books and threw them onto the table. "Were you able to decipher what I asked?" Ray requested as he rolled up his sleeves. "Decipher?" Yugo said as he picked up one of the books.

All the children surrounded the dining table as Yugo put his hand under his chin, staring at the book. "The ancient manuscript from the reference room, eh?" Yugo said. "Ray asked me to read them while you guys were gone" Gilda smiled. "It's not just that they use ancient language, there are some that have chicken scratches in an unknown language tattered on some of the pages" Yugo added. "Those are Latin in mirror writing apparently" Don spoke up with a smile. "Latin...? Mirror writing?" Yugo asked as a confused look grew onto his face.

"Latin was the common language of Ancient Rome and its empire" Ray said. "And Mirror writing is reversed writing! Basically if it was written reflected in a mirror" y/n added. "I can't believe you figured that out" Violet said, peering into the book. "There was a book all about Ancient Rome on one of the shelves, so it caught my attention so I quickly skimmed over the pages and-" Ray said. "You mean, tried to skim over the pages? When you attempted to read that book you fell asleep with it over your nose in a matter of a few minutes " y/n giggled. Rays face turned red in embarrassment "I ...anyways- I didn't get to finish the book, which y/n made clear, so I asked Gilda and Don to read it properly when we were gone to Goldy Pond" Ray explained. "And once we read it, just as Ray suspected it was a transcription of the notes of many people. and the times and locations are varied. And probably the oldest entires are written in Latin" Don said. "Maybe the notes of a servant...of the Ratri Clan who made the promise from one thousand years ago" Nat said glancing at y/n for a moment who nervously glanced back. "We only converted them to be legible and looked up the individual worlds. So that's only speculation we don't know the exact content. But it appears in the text. The Dragon Of Cuvitidala" Don said.

"Cuvitidala..." Emma repeated under her breath. "It's a location on this map" Gilda said, opening one of the books, showing the children the map. "Here" she pointed to a spot in the top corner of the map. Lots of coordinates were added into the map, along with small scribbled drawings. They all matched up to ones on Minervas pen.

"Search for day and night with the eye of the dragon of Cuvitidala" y/n read a line on the top of the book aloud. "I don't understand the rest of these hints either but..." Emma trailed off. "We should go to this Cuvitidala place" Ray said, looking over y/ns shoulder at the book.

"D528-143...." Y/n said quietly. "Isn't that really far away?" Jemima and Chris asked. "And who's going?" Added Yugo. "The supporter told us to move from here. And our first priority is to protect this shelter" said Ray. "Only a few can go. If it's a lot of us we will stand out" Emma announced.

"So it should be Ray, Emma and I...and Don And Gilda" Y/n said. Don And Gildas faces immediately lit up. "Wait...are you sure you just want to go with kids?" Yugo asked, nervously. "Why not?" Emma questioned. "There are gonna be a lot of demons. And this time you won't have a guide who knows the way. It's an unknown area where even I've never gone" Yugo said. "I know it's dangerous and it would be reassuring to have you come with us...but we learnt from the supporter that the enemy is after us. I'm sure they are searching for the shelter. That's why I don't want to leave It short handed. This is our base where we all live. I wanna hide and protect the shelter and everyone and don't even worry! Don And Gilda Are very responsible and reliable" Emma said.

"Yes! They are very fast learners" y/n smiled. Suddenly Gilda and Don burst into tears. "Wha-?! You don't have to come if you don't want to!!" y/n said. "We do want to go!!" The pair cried. "We Are just so happy" Gilda sniffled.

"I thought we stayed behind again...it was hard to just wait, I'm so happy to be able to do something with you this time" Don said, wiping the tears away from his eyes.

Gilda hugged Dons arm and smiled. "We'll do our best to help out!" The two said. Ray, y/n and Emma hugged the happy pair. "Sorry to ruin your little cheesy party but take these two. Don't worry about our side" Yugo said, pushing Zack and Violet Towards Ray, y/n and Emma. "Five inside enough for our sufficient guard duty. And these two are pretty useful too" finished Yugo.

"Is it okay for you guys to come with us?" Y/n asked. "Yeah of course" said Violet, fixing her jacket. "Yugo you're worried about Emma, Ray and y/n!!" Gillian laughed. "Pshhh Noo!!" Lied Yugo, brushing it off.

It was the day before the seven were going to leave and everyone was helping out with the preparations. Anna packed a medical kit for Zack to take, Oliver, Gillian and Nigel found small powerful guns for them to take and Yvette and Alicia prepared the food for the trip ahead.

"It should be okay because Zack is a medic and Violet can see well in the dark right? I'm still worried about y/n because of the Ratri situation...won't it be a good target if they take her? No it's okay, Ray and Emma can keep an eye out and plus they have Gilda and Don and-" Yugo began. "I don't remember you being this protective" Lucas laughed at Yugos worrying.

Finally the day came for the seven to depart. "Okay! We're going!" Emma waved to the children. "Bye Guys!" The children smiled."I'm gonna miss you" Jemima hugged Rays and y/ns arms. "We will be back soon don't worry" Ray ruffled Jemima hair.

"Let's hope none of us get stabbed through the stomach by a demon, yeah?" Violet asked, looking at y/n. "Yeah good idea" y/n responded with a nervous laugh. "As if we are gonna let that happen again" Ray said, fixing the bag on his bag on his back. "Of course not, my knight is here" y/n joked, nudging Ray.

"One step closer to our future, right?" Ray sighed with tiredness walking closer to y/n. "Yeah I'm so excited for what's to happen after we leave here" y/n smiled. "Yeah me too" Ray said, admiring y/ns smile. "What should we do when we get to the human world?" y/n asked as her mind filled with the endless possibilities of what to do and where to go with her family. "Maybe open up that bakery you always talked about at GraceField" Ray said, gazing up at the clouds above them. "Yeah! And we should go to a bunch of different places like...a beach! I want to see the ocean" y/n said. "Then let's open a bakery by the ocean" Ray thought out loud. Y/ns Face lit up with excitement. "Yes! That's a great idea!! And we can live together!" Y/n cheered with excitement. A smile grew across Rays face as he watched y/n laugh and cheer. His heart felt fluttery and whole. The raven haired boy knew he wanted to be there for her where ever they were. Though his hearts ached as he knew he couldn't give her everything she dreamt of yet, but her enthusiasm was enough to determine his strength.


Sorry if there are any typos!

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