72~ a shadow

468 22 15

"Norman we need to speak with you" Emma said. The three teenagers stood at Normans door.

"Of course" he nodded as he opened the door for the three to enter. "Sorry to bother you when you just returned back" y/n said, closing the door behind her. "It's alright. So what do you want to speak about?" Asked Norman as he took his long cloak off of his shoulders and hung it upon a coat hanger. "Well to be honest there is a lot" Emma began. "No first of all tell us your strategy. What kind do you have in mind?" Y/n asked as the three sat on the dark couch once again. "Yeah how do you plan on destroying the demons without loosing any of our own people?" Asked Ray.

Norman stayed silent for a moment. Ray stared into his eyes. "A civil war perhaps?" The dark haired boy asked. "Yes. You make it easy Ray. It's almost like you can read minds" Norman laughed. "So causing a civil war between the demons" Ray asked one again. "I am going to have the demons destroy each-other" Norman said. "So the pawns you went to see were-" y/ns eyes widened. "They were demons. I went to form an alliance with. Demon society isn't hard to understand. There's a king, aristocrats, commoners, and then the demons below them. There is quite a clear status. At the top is the royal family and the five regent houses" Norman said, he stood behind the couch resting his arms over the top of it.

"Five regent houses?" Asked Emma. "The five aristocratic families that have power below the royal family. The Royal family and the five regent houses run and over look all the farms. They supply the human meat, control most of the demon society and hold absolute wealth and authority. But there are some demons who are very unhappy and don't agree with the Royal family and the houses. We will be using them" Norman explained.

"What are those demons like? The ones that are unhappy" y/n asked. "For starters, the Geelan Clan who are former aristocrats. They were farmed for a crime they didn't not commit. They were banished by the Royal family and were sentenced to live with the demons who did not consume human meat. It was told they degenerated and returned to wild demons. But they have been lurking in the shadows...waiting for their revenge. For seven hundred years. They steal all the time from mass production farms. They barley have maintained their form" Norman said as he sat across from the three.

"I-I can believe you found such demons.." Emma said nervously. "...so it's safe to make a deal with them?" Ray asked. "I will make it work. There's no doubt that there is a risk. I'm sure once we are useless to them they plan on eating us. But I hope they end up destroying each-other instead. This is that sort of deal. Don't worry everything will be fine of course. Until they get their revenge they won't harm us. But they also have their vindictiveness, there's another reason they can't come after us and kill us until after their revenge" Norman said. "Another reason?" Emma asked, intrigued.

"If we do this carefully nobody on our side will die. The return with be one hundred times better than what we'd get by starting a war between us and the demons" Explained Norman. Ray put his hand to his face. "He's right.." he said under his breath. "And if it's about deception I wont ever loose. This isn't about pride it's all about being prepared. We can win without spilling a drop of blood on our side"

"So...if we fire them up we can make them fight against each-other..once both sides have fallen we can reap the rewards. Because the king and the aristocrats control the demon society...if we hit them everything will fall easily. So destroy their side and the farms, they will degenerate and go extinct...because once they loose their forms they won't be able to keep their form or intelligence....wait but..." y/n thought to herself.

"But Norman Are you aware of the demons that aren't like that?" Y/n asked. "What?" Norman asked confused. "There are demons out here who don't need to eat humans to keep the form or intelligence. And they probably don't get effected by the new things they eat either" y/n finished. Normans eyes widened in shock.

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