42~ Welcome to Goldy Pond

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Y/n gasped and her eyes widened. She stood as still as possible as the voice grew closer and closer. "I know you are here, child" the voice continued. Y/n, in a panic looked around at her surroundings for anything to defend herself with.
A knife was laying on the floor beside her, she quickly grabbed it and held it at her side.

"Found you" the voice laughed. It was a tall demon with a black cape and hat. Claws for hands and feet and eyes that pierced into y/ns, the demon also had an unusual looking pet on his shoulder. "You aren't as weak as the other children. I can see it in your eyes and smell it in your blood" said the demon. Y/n stared at the demon. "Let me introduce myself, my name is Leuvis" "Let me go or I'll aim this knife into your eye!" Y/n shouted. "Ah I see...interesting, so you know about our weakness. It makes me want to kill you even more" Leuvis grinned.

Suddenly an arm grabbed y/ns and swiped her away from the demon. The mysterious person sprinted down the path with y/n in hand. And Leuvis's footsteps grew fainter and fainter. The person stopped outside of a windmill and let go of y/n. "Huh...that's weird he must have gotten distracted" the person said. "Who are you?!" Y/n asked in a panic, raising her knife. The person pulled down their hood to reveal a girl around y/ns height with blonde short hair and green eyes, she wore a pink beanie and a green hoodie with blue shorts, she also wore lots of stickers on her hat and coat.

"I'm Gillian! It's so cool to have someone my age here, it's usually small kids or kids older than me that arrive" She said with a grin. She knocked on the windmill door. "Adam it's me! Open the door" Gillian said. The large wooden doors creaked open as Gillian took y/ns hand and lead her inside. A very tall and muscular boy with an unusual identification mark on his chest stared down at y/n.

"Just in here uhh- what's your name again?" Gillian asked. "Y/n" said the (h/c) haired girl. Gillian nodded and opened a smaller grey door. "The others aren't back yet so we can stay in here" the blonde girl said, picking up a small first aid box. "Were you brought here alone?" She asked, placing a piece of cotton wool and a plaster on y/ns knee. "No-I came here with my friend Emma. We were taken in the forest" she said. "You know what this place is right?" Gillian asked. "Not really..." "it's a secret hunting ground owned by lord Bayon. Every few days they come here to hunt us kids for fun, a past time...some of us are shipped here and some of us are kidnapped" "like from the farms?" Y/n asked. "Oh so you know about that? That's a step in the right direction" "thanks for bandaging up my knee usually Ray would do it for m-"

Suddenly loud Music started to blast from outside. "Oh! They should be back! Maybe Emma is with them" Gillian said.

Seven people came into the room and sat around the table y/n and Gillian were at. "Guys! This is y/n" Gillian said. "It's nice to meet you again" a familiar voice said. It was Oliver, he put out his hand for her to shake. Y/n smiled "nice to see you again too" she said, putting her hand in his. "Let me introduce you to everyone" Gillian announced.

"On the right are Sandy and Zack. They are our medics. Nigel, in charge of all the cool gadgets. Sonya is our sub-leader. Pepe, Paula and I are in charge of all the food . And the guy you already met is Oliver. He's our leader" Gillian said.

The door handle began to move and in entered a girl with short purple hair and a familiar orange haired girl. "Y/n?!" Emma shouted with a smile. "Emma!" Y/n said as she jumped towards Emma, embracing her in a hug. "And that's Violet who brought your friend in! I'm glad we found her in the end" Gillian said with a smile.

"A total of nine of us know the truth. Like Emma and you. And we've been caring for humans here, we've survived these hunting grounds for months now and some of us years" Explained Violet. "So did you originally escape from a farm?" Asked Gillian. "Yes we lived at Grace Field" y/n said. "Are you all escapees too?" Asked Emma. "No" said Violet.

The nine teens who stood infront of Y/n and Emma revealed their identification numbers on their chest. "We were shipped here" Oliver said. "Just like the other new comers! And we are from a farm called Grand Valley. It's a farm that is purveyor to Lord Bayon" Added Gillian.

"The children who were thrown here are almost all from Grand Valley. It seems that Lord Bayon only has one connection with Grand Valley. Only four, including you two are from other farms" Oliver told. "And you're the only ones from Grace Field" Paula added. "And escapees too!" Gillian smiled.

"This place is exactly what you saw this morning. A garden for monsters to hunt humans. Every few days they come on a trail to hunt us in the morning. Everything is for recreation. They hunt us gleefully...replenish those they've killed and it keeps repeating" Said Oliver as he grabbed a large wooden box full of guns, pistols and knives.

"What's all that?" Asked Emma. "These are weapons given to us by the monsters" Explained Nigel. "They know we can't kill them. So they provide these to us" Sonya said, crossing her arms. "Many of our comrades fought and have died despite having those weapons. On the other hand there are those who can't accept whats happening and die without even holding a weapon. So many innocent children have been killed here...but still! We've endured. Put up with it and survived. All so...we can shut this hunting ground down." Oliver said with an angry and determined expression.

"We are going to kill all of them!" He shouted with rage. "Because it's a secret hunting ground, the enemies are limited" Zack spoke up. "The monsters outside don't know about this place. And they can't know. So the poachers won't call for reinforcements and even if the others notice, we can buy time" Sonya said. "We plan to kill the poachers and escape to a human community" Oliver said. Y/n and Emma glanced at each-other in confusion.

"I don't want any more sacrifices. And I'm sick of running! We're going to execute this plan soon!" Oliver said with his hands in fists.

"So, do you both want to help us? Especially because you understand the truth and still stand up to them?" He asked. Y/n looked at Emma who nodded her head. "Yes. I want to close this hunting ground down too. But...can you explain everything?" Y/n asked. "Yeah...why do you all know so much? About the farms and demon and the outside world? How do you know? If you're not escapees or anything" Emma asked.

Oliver lowered his head and smiled. "We heard it from him" he said. "Him?" Y/n asked. "Yeah, we are merely his hands and legs" Zack said. "The only adult here" said Pepe. "He has to be a secret" Gillian explained, putting a finger to her lips. "Because he doesn't exist anymore" Paula added. "We would like you two to meet someone" Oliver said as he put a hand on y/ns shoulder.

A tall man with a scar across his cheek and red hair entered the room wearing a cloak and he held a walking stick. "Nice to meet you, my name is Lucas" the man said with a smile. "Lucas- no it couldn't be-" Emma said under her breath. "You've a pen right? Let's talk about William Minerva" said Lucas.


Tysm for 5k omg!!! This is amazing <3
(Also Goldy Pond arc is here!!!)
Sorry if there are any typos!!

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