33~ sleepy

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Finally the next day came, it was the last day the children would spend with Sonju and Mujika. The kids and demons walked through the maze of a cave for hours and finally reached the end of it. "We made it!" Dominic cheered. Sonju turned around to face Emma. "If you go up to the surface here, you'll be right at the edge of the forest" The tall demon said as Emma smiled and nodded. "Let's rest here tonight and go above tomorrow morning" Sonju announced. "Ray and I can cook some food" y/n said. "And we can crush some herbs!" Mark and Yvette said.

At the preparation of dinner everyone was helping out as a family. Y/n and Ray were cooking the meal, some of the younger children were crushing herbs, Don and Gilda were carrying vegetables to the pot and Emma fixed up y/ns bandage again. "You're all so fast at learning" Mujika said with a smile. "Not as fast as Y/n, Ray and Emma!" Said Alilca. "Yeah! Norman was fast too! He caught us on real fast" Chris said.

Everyone sat around on the floor as they ate their meal. "Thank you for the food!" The children cheered as they finished. "Alright! So if all goes well we will be at B06-32 by tomorrow" Don said. "If we work hard" Nat said crossing his arms. "Then we will!" Said Yvette.

Mark, Yvette and Alicia turned and ran towards Mujika. "But we will miss you!" Mark cried. "You guys helped us so much" Yvette said with a sad expression. "I know, but your new adventure awaits you" Mujika said with a smile.

Gilda stood in the corner of the cave with her hand on her chin. "What's the matter Gilda?" Asked Ray who turned around to face the girl along with Y/n and Emma. "Oh well, I was thinking about how we're straying from the plan" Gilda said as she fixed her glasses. "Straying?" Asked Lanni. "I was thinking about that old tale Sonju told us about. I mean, it's good that there is a human world separate from here but to not have a human society in the demon world is a disadvantage to our plan. So the community of humans we hoped for isn't out there. We can't blend in with them and we need manpower to come back to get Phil and the others. So we need to think about what we are going to do" Said Gilda looking up at the three. "I agree" y/n said as Emma nodded. "One second" y/n said as she ran up to Sonju. The tall demon turned to face y/n.

"Hey Sonju? Are there any other kids that escaped farms out here? Have you ever heard anything? Any talk or rumours while you are travelling?" Y/n asked. "Out of the many farms that exist...I have heard nothing" Sonju said. Y/ns eyes widened. "Huh?" Ray, Emma and the others asked. "What do you mean?" Y/n asked. "To begin with, there are many different types of farms. And there are only a few top-class farms like Grace Filed. Most are Mass production farms" Sonju said. "Mass...production?" Thoma asked crossing his arms.

"Farms for cheap mass production meat. They breed humans in horrible environments just to fatten up and ship out. Humans born there don't understand words, they have no names. They don't even have free will. They would never think of escaping. Though of course if they ever thought about escaping, they wouldn't be able to" Sonju explained leaving the children in shock and feeling almost sick. How many mass production farms are there? And how many Top-Class?" Asked y/n who felt like she was going to throw up after hearing about those poor humans.

"Serval hundred mass production and only Four Top-Class farms" Said Sonju. "Only four?!" The children shouted together. "So if this Minerva guy is reaching out to other farms, it would be those four. Three farms, not including Grace-Field. I've heard about how you've learned the truth and how to escape. But it won't be that easy for the other farm children to escape. And even if they escaped, could they survive? You've already experienced how dangerous it is out here. You cant rely on other escapees but...I do on rare occasions hear about theft. There are demons who steal from farms because they want to eat human meat. But those are rare cases so that might be something you can use to your advantage. Although it depends how you utilise it...either way, there are no humans outside the farms that are highly intelligent like you kids" Sonju said as he pointed to y/n and the group behind her.
"That's the reality, as far as I know it is"

A few minutes later Emma sat at the end on the cave on a root thinking about what Sonju told them earlier. "Emma?" A voice called. It was Mujika. "Mujika!" "Are you okay? You know, about what you heard..." Mujika said as she held a lantern in her left hand. "Oh, I'm okay now. I was shocked about the mass production farms...but I'll think about how to get other people on my side and how to secure safety. I'll figure it out! I can't be discouraged. I have a family waiting for me and a future I want to have" Emma said. The orange haired girl took a photograph out of her pocket. "Have you see this before?" Emma asked as she showed the photograph to Mujika. "Yes, y/n showed me it earlier" Mujika said. It was the picture of Emma, y/n and Norman. Emma pointed to Norman. "This is Norman. I promised Norman that I wouldn't give up. That I wouldn't let anyone die. That I would escape with everyone. I know it's not easy, I still have to come up with how I will pull it off. But I want to live with my entire family, no matter what" Emma said as she stared at the photograph in her hands. "I'm going to live with my family. To do that, I'll over come even things that are impossible" Emma said with a smile. "I see" Mujika said.

"But it's so weird. You're really not like a demon at all. Oh- sorry if that was insensitive-" Emma began. "It's okay" said Mujika. "It's just that...you demons come in different shapes and sizes" Emma said. "It's true that our appearance is becoming warped in the past couple of thousand years. Before meeting you, I'd never talked to a human before. You're not enemies or food. You're different from any other living thing. I'm glad I met you and had a chance to talk. I'm glad we became friends" Mujika said as she put her hands behind her back. "Me too!" Said Emma smiling.

"I'm glad I got to meet you...and became friends with all of you" Mujika said as she took Emma's hands in hers. "Thank you for the last six days" Emma said with a smile.

It was late at night and all the children were asleep together on the ground with blankets. Ray was still awake figuring out Morse code from the pen. "Ray what are you doing?" Y/n asked as she yawned and sat up. "I'm just trying to figure something out-" "can it wait until the morning? We have a big day tomorrow and you need sleep too" y/n said. Ray sighed and closed the pen. "Fine you're right" he said lying down next to y/n, placing the pen on the book next to him. Ray took out the flower crown y/n made him from his pocket. "Is that the flower crown I made you?" The girl asked with a grin. "Yeah well you know it would have been rude to leave It at the house" Ray said as he held it softly in his hands. "It's all squashed now though! It looks like a daisy chain" y/n said. "I still love it though, I nearly lost it if it wasn't thanks to Sonju" He said placing it on the book next to the pen. Y/n giggled "shush you'll wake the kids up!" Ray snickered at y/ns actions. "Your snickering is louder than my laughing" y/n said as she rolled her eyes jokingly.

"I'm so tired todays been a long day" Ray said as he stretched his arms to then be placed around y/n. "Try get some sleep" y/n said as her eyes began to close. "Goodnight y/n" Ray said as he kissed her forehead. "Night Ray" y/n said.
"I love you" The raven haired boy said. "I love you too" y/n said with a smile. As the two drifted off to sleep.


The title of this chapter is what I need to do right now 😭

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