77~ Trust Me

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Emma, Ray, Zazie And Norman sprinted outside the palaces walls and into the suburbs of the demon town. "Emma!!" Don called.
"Don! Gilda! Im so glad you guys are okay" Emma and Ray gave the pair a hug.

Norman stood behind the two with a frown. "Norman!! Welcome back, man!" Don smiled, hugging the boy. Norman smiled warmly. He noticed Ayshe with her cloaks hood up behind Don, giving her a nod with a smile as he said something in the demon language, catching her off guard. "Huh?" She gasped. "What did you say?" Hayato looked at the two. "We don't have enough time for that, we need to go back to the base" Ray added in. 

"We gotta understand our current situation, the two thousand soldiers and the safety of the base" Ray explained. Emma nodded "Let's meet up with Oliver's group"

The eight ran as fast as they could back to the forest and through the trees just like the way they first arrived, unexpectedly bumping into Vincent, Barbara, Cislo and a handful of Normans soldiers. "Vincent? What are you all doing here? I told you to go back to the base" Norman said, out of breath from running. "I'm sorry boss but we were just worried about you. We didn't want to leave you behind" Cislo smiled weakly. "Well you said you'd be right behind us...you defeated the queen?" Vincent asked. "Yeah, she's dead" Norman answered.

Vincent grabbed the reigns of one of their horses, giving it to Norman. "Here, get on we gotta go to the base" Vincent said.

"Hey!!" A familiar voice shouted from the distance. "Oliver!!" Emma smiled at the the boy along side Nigel, Zack and Gillian. "Something has happened" Oliver ran towards the group out of breath with a horrible look of fear on his face. "What happened?" Ray stepped forward as his heart sank. "At the base...everyone is...everyone is gone!!" He said.

"Everyone?!" Emma asked in horror. "After we parted I sent Gillian and Nigel to the base first" Oliver began. "But when we got there we were too late!! The base was already badly attacked, It was the demon soldiers, around two thousand.." Gillian added. "But where is everyone?" Ray asked, panicked but keeping a calm face on. "They were taken away.." Nigel sighed. "And they definitely took everyone?" Emma asked in desperation of some hope. "Sandy, Violet, Anna, Y/n...everyone! Even the lookouts!" Nigel answered

"But there was some demons waiting for us in the shadows to come back so we ambushed him and forced him to talk" "where did they take everyone? Did the demon say they would kill any of them?" Asked Ray nervously. "The demon spoke and told us that they are being transferred to the most high end security farm ever created...to be processed as food...Grace-field house..."

Emma, Ray and Normans eyes widened. "Grace filed..?" Emma asked with a nervous sweat. "There's only about ten of us...what should we do..." Norman thought aloud. Emma smiled and looked at her friends. "Let's go to Grace-field. There's no reason to hesitate! We should go save everyone!" Emma proudly announced. "Yeah we get that but we're deciding on how we're gonna make it happen" Ray said bluntly. "So do we have a plan?" Vincent asked. "Nope not at all that's why we gotta make one up right now" Emma said. "It's more detailed than that Emma...we have to calculate our enemies move belfre we attack...it won't be easy" Norman sighed.

"When has anything been easy for us? Me, You, Ray and Y/n...she wouldn't have given up on us if we were the ones taken. We were born in cages, but now we are ready to take on the world! We're just one step away from freedom! Two thousand soldiers and the Ratri Clan? Don't make me laugh! That's nothing!! We can do it! We can pull this off! We just have to believe in ourselves" Emma smiled at Norman who stood in front of her.

"What?! You're nuts, kid!" Cislo stared at Emma in shock. Norman smiled and chuckled at Emma. "Boss?!" Vincent looked at Norman. "When Emma says it I feel like I can do it" he said. "That is true!" Gillian nodded. "And we've achieved so much so far!" Nigel added. "Trust me we've had plenty of failures along the way...but we won't be able to figure out what we should do if we're afraid of the outcome" Ray said with a small smile. "Yeah!!" Don cheered.

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