40~ The Forest

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Emma, Y/n , Ray and the nameless man crept into the forest. The three teens gazed upon the trees, vines, and birds creating a roof over their heads. Y/n put her hand on one of the trees bark. "It's like stone" she said with a surprised look on her face. "We didn't learn anything about this in the books" said Ray. "This forest..." Emma began "is where the man-eaters live. There's a bunch, they're wild but form in packs. At least one is around here. And they always move together, they watch out for each other and all of the species are violent. Which means if they find you, you're dead. They'll call for their others, attack you all at once, and eat you together down to the bone" Said the man, fixing his glove.

Y/n, Ray and Emma stood there unsettled after the mans words. "The only way to survive, if you're discovered by one is to kill it before it calls its others. But that would be impossible for you weaklings" The man said, rolling his eyes.

The nameless man lead the trio down into the forest for hours, they past rows and rows of trees and unusual looking plants. "How much longer?" Emma asked. Ray took out a pocket watch from his bag. "I think there's about two hours until sundown" he said, putting it back into his bag. "Okay! Let's keep moving then" y/n said with determination. "Yeah! And things are going well. We're making good progress so far" Emma said with a smile.

Over the next thirty minutes, Ray, y/n and Emma carefully watched the mans movements and followed them the best they could. "They learn quicker than expected...I'm starting to figure it out now...Antenna is the one who decides on the plan, sleepy head is the one with the intelligence and Rapunzel is the one with the voice and strategy...that's why it's better to get rid of her. They'll crumble without her. Besides, on the monitors they called her special so it's the best option, right?. Either way it'll get them to shut up." The man thought to himself with a grin.

Suddenly there was loud movement coming from the bushes in front of the four. They all froze and everyone prepared their weapons. A large demons with many eyes and legs like a spider jumped in-front of the group. They all began to run expect Emma who was frozen. "Emma!" Y/n yelled as she pulled the girl away from the beast by the arm. Ray ran over to the girls and threw Emma her bow and Arrow. The man began to shoot bullets at the demon who let out loud screams throughout the forest.

"Emma?! Are you alright?" Y/n asked, shaking Emma's shoulders. "I'm alive?!" Emma asked confused. "What?!" Ray asked angrily. "You thought you died, huh?" The man said with a laugh, the large demons body laid on the forest ground behind them with blood splattering out of its eyes and mouth. "And you would have. You couldn't even pull the trigger" "she was just in shock-" y/n began. "It was even more stupid when you went to grab her. Didn't even have a gun in your hands to protect yourself. It was hilarious, you've never seen a man eater that attacks from above right? They live here. Of course, I knew that" The man said with a grin.

Emma walked up to the man. "But thank you, you saved us by killing it sir" Emma said. "Saved you? Heh, I didn't save you. Man eaters don't die that easily. It'll quickly regenerate and call for its friends" Said the man. "Regenerate...?" Y/n asked as her eyes widened at the demon they most recently killed, crawling back up to its original position ready to kill.

Y/n, Ray, Emma and the man began to sprint up an old large tree to get as far away from the demon as possible. "Why didn't you say this earlier?!" Y/n shouted at the man. "I did it on purpose" the man answered with a snicker. "Huh?!" Ray asked. "I didn't tell you out of spite. No worries I won't die. But you guys are in trouble" answered the man.

The four peered down at the now seven large demons below them with sharp teeth and sharp claws. "They didn't get
at you and you attacked one of their own so they're pissed. So it's even worse having them call the others, see?" said the man. "You jerk!" Y/n said with a cold stare. "Let this hellish journey begin. Your lives are in my hands. Try surviving this, you brats" the man said with a smirk.

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