24~ String Telephone

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Norman walked into the infirmary with a smile plastered on his face. "I'm back! Oh y/n you're awake, and Rays here" Norman said as he sat down next to Emma handing her the glass of water.

"The plan is that tomorrow, you escape on your own" Ray said. "You aren't going to die" Emma said "Not on our watch" y/n added. "I'm sorry but I can't" Norman said with a smile. "You can!" Ray Emma and y/n said at the same time. "But to be more accurate you'll just pretend to do it" Ray said as he walked towards Emma's bed. "We will disable your tracking device and fake an escape, then hide in the area" Ray said putting his hands in his pockets. "And on the day of the escape you'll run away with us" Emma said. "Yeah- But even if it's fake once I hide security will get tighter" Norman said. "Not a Problem, based on the houses care taking policy security won't increase much"'Ray said. "Care taking policies?" "One, to let us all grow freely. Two, strict and confidentiality. The first is for development of our brains, a child that grows up freely with rich emotions, that's the minimum requirement for the products here" "So then point two means..." Norman trailed off "Yeah...the demons stay out of sight" Ray said. "So if we fear them our brains won't grow as planed?" Y/n asked. "Yeah, so the worst they'll do is add more guards" Ray responded "And those things we can deal with, I know it!" He said.

"Even so, they might end up making the wall taller than it is now. How do you plan on climbing over it?" Norman asked. "You can make a ladder while you're hiding out in the forest!" Ray argued. "What if they change the tracking devices to a more complex one?" Norman asked "If they implant new ones we will know where they are so we can just take them out. We can handle it!" Ray shouted. Norman Just smiled and stared at the floor. "Don't you understand? We are telling you that you don't have to die!" Y/n cried. "Yeah! I'll supply your food and keep you hidden no matter what! Tighter security should be no problem and I still haven't used my card on Mama yet so stay alive, just pretend to run away and then-" "I can't. Sorry but it won't work it's not just security. If I run you, y/n or Emma might end up getting shipped instead. To have one of you get killed instead of me? I couldn't bare it. They can have my life. But, I have no intentions on giving them anything else. I'll destroy what Mamas been plotting and make sure the escape succeeds!" Norman said making Rays eyes widen. "But...thank you really. You should come up with a new plan one that you guys can use after I'm gone" "You idiot. Eight years I've been planning this!" Ray yelled.

Emma raised her hand in the air. "Well, Ray could break his leg too! Smart right? You just break a few bones" Emma said "Emma? What are you saying?" Y/n asked "I think, since my leg is in pretty bad shape and so is y/ns arm and head it's probably unlikely that we will get shipped out! Mama even said it herself regarding y/n! That way none of us will get shipped out in Normans place! Remember what we heard at the gate? We are high grade merchandise and y/n is the special product! When we all go out we have to be in perfect form. If someone were to take his place it would be Ray. But if he got hurt like us he wouldn't get shipped out right away" Emma said. Ray started laughing "Good thinking Emma! Let's do it!" Ray said. "I don't know about this" Y/n said nervously. "How about we break my arm then me and y/n can be matching" "Great idea! Arm it is!" Emma said with a smile. "Wait a second guys it's not guaranteed that you won't get shipped out if you get hurt" Norman said. "Then we will all catch a cold and get sick!" Emma said. "Yeah! The demons won't want to eat us if we are sick right? But I don't know about y/n it takes her a long time to recover" Ray said. "Yeah" y/n Said. "So you'll break your arm and get sick" Emma said "Guys I'm not one hundred percent okay with this , I mean it's really painful Ray" y/n said sitting up in her bed. "I'll be fine" Ray said. "Why don't we make string telephones so we can communicate" Emma said with a giggle "Like when we were younger?" Y/n asked with a smile. "Sure sounds fun" Ray smiled.

"You-you guys!" Norman said. "If that doesn't work we will do something else! Anything else if it means you'll escape with us!" Y/n said. "But why? This plan is just crazy" Norman said when a worried expression. "Well I like it much better than letting you die. Remember what you said Norman? We will all flee from here together. So if you're not part of this I won't accept it. Let's live together! Okay Norman?" Emma asked as her eyes filled with tears. Y/n stood up from her bed keeping her hand on her head. She walked over beside Ray so she could be more included in the conversation. Ray put his arm around y/ns shoulder.

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