78~ Got you

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A short while after Isabella's talk with y/n

Isabella and Peter arrived at a drawing room inside the walls of the farms property. The pair sat in red velvet chairs across from each other separated by a wooden table. Peter slouched into the chair picking up pieces of paper. "It's good to see you Grandma Isabella. Did your chat with my sister go well?" He asked, keeping his eyes glued on the paper in his hands. Isabella closed her eyes for a moment and smiled. "Yes it went wonderfully" she calmly replied. Peter raised his eyebrows. "Hmm. That's surprising" "she is adjusting to the rules of the Clan and has decided to take on the position" Isabella explained. "How will I know if she's just saying that to betray me?" Peter threw the paper onto the wooden table lazily. "I'll keep an eye on her. She won't fight you. If anything y/n will gladly help our side. She has already provided me with lots of information about the escapees. Our chat cleared up a few problems" Isabella smiled.

Peter picked up a china tea cup from the table, sipping the hot tea with a grin on his face. "That's wonderful to hear, I will tell the security to trust her. I have some news to inform you about. You can pass it along to y/n too. We are going to discontinue the traditional way of farming premium human meat. Because the Queen has passed away there shall be a new era. The new era of Lambda. It will come back, we will abolish the high cost and risk way of farming and bring in a tight security style of farming" Peter announced. "All of the premium farms will be destroyed? Even Grace filed?" Isabella asked with a sad smile. "Exactly" Peter said.

"When we accomplish this way of farming you will be granted freedom, Grandma Isabella" One of Peters security guards said. "By the way, how is the preparation for the shipping of the children going?" Peter asked. "All will be ready soon" Isabella said. "Right then...so all of them will be ready for plucking by dawn and all of them shall be in jars by the end of the day. The escapees will arrive soon, most likely later today. I want most of the children to be in jars by then. Can you handle that?" Peter asked. Isabella nodded immediately. "Of course"

Present time

"Intruders! Intruders!" The demons in the monitor room alerted Peter through a microphone as they watched the monitors and cameras in a panic. "Location?" Peter asked. "The electrical room in B7!!" The demon answered, keeping track of movements. "They're here already huh?" Peter said.

Suddenly a loud crash was heard throughout the building and all of the power and electricity was cut out. "A blackout?...it shouldn't be a problem" one of the demons said. "It's fine. We know where they are headed. Let's see what they got. Switch to auxiliary power" Peter grinned.

Back in the storage room the children were confused and frightened. Isabella had left the storage unit with a number of the children, leaving the others, guarded with tall strong demons. "Don't think your friends will come and save you..you're in our hands now" the demons growled.

Suddenly from out of the darkness and shadows of the room, Gillian and Zack leaped through the air down from the roof behind the demons. Violet gasped at the sight of her friends caught her eyes first. "Found you!!" Gillian shouted. The demons look up but in the blink of a second Zack opened a flash bomb, throwing it straight at the demons faces. "A flash bomb?!" The demons cried, covering their eyes.

"Quick!! Everyone follow me!!" Gillian said as she opened the steal doors, quickly followed by all the children tied up with rope around their arms. They quickly turned a corner, running as fast as they could down the corridor. "Q-Quick! After them!!" The demons shouted as they quickly got to their feet. Oliver stood at the top of the corridor with a gun in his hands. He began shooting bullets towards the demons knocking each of them onto the floor as blood splattered everywhere.

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