46~ training and sketches

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"That sounds so realistic and interesting " said Emma with a shocked expression. "You think?" Asked Y/n. "Definitely! So many details and it all adds up right?" Emma said, as she put on her jacket. "I guess you're right" said y/n. "Come on we better go, The others will be looking for us for training" Said Emma.

Sandy, Oliver, y/n and Emma walked down to the forest to practice targeting the demons with guns. Emma raised her gun to the target and stood in silence for a moment. A loud bang was heard from the forest and a hole was placed perfectly in the center of the target. "How did you do that?!" Asked Sandy "First try and you got it perfect?!" Asked y/n waving her arms in the air. "I just got lucky I guess but focusing on the target really helps" Emma said. "Here's yours y/n" said Oliver, handing a gun to y/n.

Y/n nodded and raised her gun to the target, squinting her eyes. She pulled the trigger and hit the side of the target. "You make it look so easy, Emma" Said y/n with a frown. "Here, let me help you" said Oliver, putting his hands over y/ns, he leaned over her shoulder took the gun off her and held the gun steadily. "Take deep breaths and keep your stance steady" Oliver said before pulling the trigger and aiming perfectly at the target.

He handed the gun to y/n "Now you try"
Y/n smiled and nodded. She stood still and took a deep breath. She narrowed her eyes and pulled the trigger. "Y/n you did it!" Cheered Emma. "You did it perfectly" said Oliver with a bright smile which made y/n laugh.

Footsteps were heard approaching through the grass. Y/n, Emma, Sandy and Oliver turned around to be met with Zack and Sonya. "We're done with preparations on our side" said Zack with a rope slung over his shoulder. "Did you two pick out a weapon you like?" Asked Sonya.

Emma held up a small pistol and y/n held up the gun, each as powerful. "We like these ones" said y/n. "We can use these!" Added Emma.

Zack walked towards the target. "Pretty good shots" he said to y/n. "Thanks" y/n laughed nervously. "So...you all knew how to kill the demons?" Asked Emma, looking down at the ground.

"Yeah we do, although they don't know that. And they also don't know we intend to kill them" said Sandy, holding up a gun. "To them, we are just weaklings who only know how to run away. That's how we acted all this time. We kept a self defence stance. All in order to gather information and slowly prepared in the background. In the process we lost comrades too. Lucas's experiences and our preparations. We lost family and comrades but we obtained and passed down everything. The culmination of the plan and mission. We know how strong the enemy is. But...we will be the victors" said Sonya, Narrowing her eyes.

Oliver leaned against a tree. "Yeah but we can't let our guard down especially against...Grand Duke Leuvis"

"Did Lucas tell you two about his group?" Asked Sonya. "Huh?" The two girls said together. "Lucas and his former group. We're able to stand up to them at first. Lucas's best friend, a leader type gave him instructions. Allowing them to use the weapons efficiently and strategically to defend themselves and flee. They were able to survive this hunting ground without anyone getting killed...It was an amazing group. They pulled off the impossible but as soon as Leuvis zeroed...he tormented and killed Lucas's friends one by one. Like taking candy from a baby. And then bragging about it to the parents. It was all to Lucas and his best friends hatred. To drive their malice. To corner them completely...all for the enjoyment of the hunt. His skills are exceptional. Plus, he's insane and therefore unpredictable. If our plan goes awry it will be because of him" explained Zack and Sonya.

"I met him when we first arrived. He was desperate to kill me just as I was desperate to kill him..." said y/n. "You've killed a demon before?" Asked Sandy. "Well- we've killed just one. Mindlessly out of desperation. And it wasn't a human form it looked like a beast" y/n said.

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