71~ an alliance

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Meanwhile in a hidden palace Norman, in a large cloak accompanied by Zazie entered a grand doorway. "I received your letter, Mister Minerva" a voice boomed. "Yes, I am here to discuss this further. I came to officially form an alliance. Shall we work together to officially and finally destroy this world?" Norman asked, pulling the hood of his cloak down.

Eleven tall spine chilling demons with large teeth, spikes on their heads and devilish eyes stared terrifyingly at Norman. The general of this demon group was the biggest, wearing a long robe with a small mask, just about covering his eyes, revealing his scale covered face. "It's fine Zazie. Keep your sword down" Norman calmly said as the pair walked towards the demon leader who stood in front of the teen.

"I-I apologise- you just look so delicious" The demon at the front guard licked his lips. "I don't mind, I understand your situation with the lack of meals...I also know that you understand completely that instead of just eating me now it would be far better on your behalf for you to let us live and form an alliance. So, where is the lord?" Norman said.  "He should arrive any second"

Just as the demon spoke loud footsteps thud, making the marble floor crack slightly, and the old dusty chandeliers shake. A tall demon, as tall as a house made an appearance. His large green eyes pierced into everyone that looked, his cloaks upon cloaks that layered over his robe, and not to mention the large walking stick as big as a tree trunk he held firmly in one hand. "Greetings Minerva, thank you for coming such a long way"

"It has been a long time. Please excuse our sudden arrival, Lord Gleean" Norman closed his eyes. "Hmm... I did say to come alone and not to bring a group of subordinates..." Lord Gleean said, surprised. "Of course, trust comes first. My goal is to form an alliance" Norman said.

"Zazie" Norman called to the tall boy behind him. Zazie threw a large sack full of meat from previous mass production farms onto the ground infront of Lord Gleean. "It isn't much but I brought you a gift. It's been prepared for eating already, high rank mass production meat" Norman said. "How thoughtful, I will enjoy this later. Now please, have a seat" Lord Gleean said, pointing to a long table with two chairs. "Zazie, could you please wait outside the door?"

"Let's talk about business. I must ask once more, what do you want and what will you offer" Gleean asked as the two sat down. "What I want is fighting strength. What I can give you is victory. And the fulfilment of your revenge. I really do promise you the royal family and the current five regent houses that betrayed you around seven hundred years ago causing your...current position and appearance. If you eliminate the royal family and the five regent houses that control the existing part of this world, you can reclaim the central posts in the regime. After your revenge the world as we know it will be yours. And I want to make you a king" Norman said, pointing to the demon Lord.

"And what would you want in return" Geelan asked. "I desire the realise of all the farm children. And permission for us to self govern" Norman said. All the demons gasped in shock and confusion. "Oh, I don't intend to take away your food source" Norman laughed.

"I will ask you to release all the current children. You may do what you like with the farms facilities. And you can do what you like with the Ratri clan, I'll have you know the youngest Ratri is of premium quality. A meal fit for the queen...maybe even higher up than her position. There is nothing to worry about. With technology today that the Ratri Clan has made you can produce hundreds of humans with a single strand of hair. If you like I can give you all the research and files from Lambda" Norman said, without a stutter. "So...you are also getting revenge of 1000 years...or is this for your banishment? James Ratri?" Gleean asked, putting his claw like hand to his chin. Norman Just smiled.

"But it is True...the Ratri Clan does have strong ties to the Royal family and the five regent houses. They are a nuisance to us as well...if we can eat and erase them we can kill two bird with one stone" Gleean leaned back in his chair.

"I have a strategy and a plan to pull off. Inside information attained because of the close relationship of the Ratri Clan and the regime. But we don't have such power. Us humans are weak. In order to crush the current world for certain your strength is well needed. On the other hand, even with your strong abilities you and your clan haven't been able to do anything for the past seven hundred years. If we work together we can achieve our goals. This is the revenge you've been waiting for! Let's destroy this world together" Norman explained with a smirk.

"Very well" Gleean took a piece of paper fit for a human out of a drawer on the table. "I will allow you to self govern. We will keep our promise. Let us join forces. However...I really am putting my trust in you, putting my life in your hands. Not just my life but my entire clan. But...what if you cannot keep this promise?" Gleean asked.

Norman thought for a moment. "Then you are free to eat my people. Cook us, boil us, anything" "good"

Norman bit his finger, as Gleean handed the piece of paper to him. He dabbed his thumb upon the end to sign the agreement with his blood. "We have a deal" Gleean shook Normans hand. "Let's establish the world we want together"

After Norman and Zazie left Lord Gleeans hideout they walked through the green forest back to their base. Zazie sighed. "Don't worry, all is going as planned. It will be absolute war. We are sending demons to fight demons. Mutual destruction. The Geelan clan is just a pawn. He is also lying. He has no intention on letting us humans live on. He's after me too. I'm sure they are aware I'm not who I say I am. We're only both lying on the surface but really we want to stab eachother in the back. Hah, they can go ahead and dream about killing us. But I will be the one who gets the last laugh" Norman said, putting his hood over his head.

Back at the base Emma, Ray and y/n were visiting Chris. "He is still asleep" Oliver sighed. "It's been a while..." Zack trailed off. "His complexion looks okay, his pulse and breathing is calm. Vincent did say that there is no brain damage, don't worry he will be awake soon" Anna said, picking up a box of medicine and walking out the door.

"The bigger issue is Norman, he hasn't returned yesterday either" Ray leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. "We need to talk to him soon..." Emma sighed. "You know guys...I've been thinking, even though we sorta got to become friends with Barbara, Cislo and Vincent and even though they are good people I really didn't expect them to be so full of hatred. At Goldy Pond Oliver, Gillian and everyone else hated the demons too but I've never seen it has deep rooted as that. I was...scared. I didn't even say anything and Barbara made me feel intimidated. I don't think they even know about the Ratri Clans connection. If they did they would have done much worse..."

"They definitely don't...and if they did it shouldn't matter, I would say something. I don't trust them completely regardless" Ray said. "But they did say 'they're all the same' even Mujika? And those demon children probably don't know anything either right?" Emma asked. "To call them all the same is wrong..." y/n trailed off. "I know. But to the victims it doesn't matter. Once they started hating it didn't stop and It won't. It's a chain of hatred, we can't do anything about it. The suffering they went through was undeniable, they have their reasons. That's probably what war is..." Said Ray.

"If they had to care about the other side they wouldn't even think to kill them in the first place, once that chain of hatred is born a war won't stop. They will keep killing each other and hating each other. That's why it won't stop it just keeps repeating for years even amongst humans..." explained Ray, looking down at Chris who was fast asleep.

"So...nothing can be done.." Emma frowned, looking at the floor. Y/n clenched her fists. "No, I still think-" she began. "The boss is back!!" "Everyone the boss is here!!" Voices shouted from outside. "Let's go talk to Norman while we have the chance" Emma said, opening the door and running out. "We will be back Chris..." y/n said with a sad expression, brushing the small boys hair away from his eyes. "Y/n let's go" Ray said, waiting for her at the door. "I'm intrigued to hear what Norman will say" y/n said, walking down the path along side Ray to Normans office. "Me too...I have to ask you though. Isn't it funny that Vincent barley said a word when Barbara was shouting at you?" Ray said. "What do you mean?" Y/n asked. "He's on their side yet barley gave you energy. Even when we first met him and he shook our hands he was nervous and hesitant. Don't you think that's strange?" "I suppose, but he probably just didn't want to get Involved. He appears to be more mature than Barbara and Cislo" y/n shrugged. "I know but he's pretty close to Norman right?" Ray asked. "Yeah I'd say so. More than Cislo and Barbara. Why are you asking this anyways?" Y/n said. "...It's nothing. Let's hear what Norman says first" Ray said as the two walked to his office.


Sorry for any typos

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