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𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔫, 𝔈𝔫𝔤𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡, 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔄𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔩 2005

A day without laughter is a day wasted. Charlie Chaplin said it once; in many respects, he was correct. Laughter was something that took away the hurt, and made the days pass with an ease of never before. If there was one person who never let a day pass without laughing, it was EJ Thompson.

He was a boy, only a few months into his twenties, mischievous and a self-proclaimed genius. There were many things that he loved, and found joy in, but most of all football and skateboarding. He had a natural knack for them- just like his mischief. EJ used his inane stupidity and general nonchalance to create the sort of place where chaos was both encouraged and welcomed.

     Whenever he was around, it only ever seemed to be chaos. It was his definition of fun; though, it seemed to be much different to that of his friends. When they were younger, it wasn't so noticeable, but with age, they had all seen how much he had changed.

     Ever since the autonomous mannequins, EJ's mindset had altered completely. There was no doubt that he had partially lost his wits. After having a gun directed at his head, and surviving, he couldn't have been expected to stay the same. That wouldn't be fair.

     Perhaps, he was a little more reckless and a little more fun-loving. There wasn't much harm in that at all.

     He was surprised at how his friends had stuck by him, through the worst of it, and kept him sane enough to carry on. EJ was getting better, but without them, he never would have made it this far. Not many people could look past such a horrid past, and difficult circumstances.

     They did, though.

     "Jesus Christ, EJ!" Ty Keltie snapped as he ran back onto the pavement from the road. Fury crossed his freckled features, only making the Thompson boy laugh, loudly. "Don't do that!"

  "Oh, come on!" EJ rolled his dark eyes, running a hand through his spiky hair. Angel had helped him dye it only last week, and the frosty tips had caused much disruption with his friends. They found it hilarious. "It wasn't that bad!"

  "You pushed me into the road." Ty deadpanned.

  EJ just swung his skateboard from side to side, spinning on his heels like he was in some sort of daze. "There wasn't any traffic."

  "You shouldn't push anyone into the road." Elliott Jones, another one of his friends, the most sensible of the three who had gone out, added. "It's dangerous."

  EJ just huffed. He started to walk just a little bit faster, forcing the others to match his speed to catch up with him. "I wouldn't have done it if there was any traffic. Jesus! It's not like I want to kill you!"

  Ty raised his eyebrows, and sneezed. It probably wasn't helping that he had been victim to the winter-bug cold for three months, and was thoroughly pissed off by it, and therefore, everything else. "Are you sure?"

  "Yes, I'm sure." The blonde groaned, like a toddler. "If I wanted to kill you, I'd just inject air between your toes and mimic a heart attack."

  "Does that really work?" Elliott raised his eyebrows, slightly taken aback by EJ's brutal fascination with death, and murder. He knew that one day it was going to get him in trouble- he just didn't know when.

Slightly frightened, Ty edged away slightly. "Have you thought about this?"

"Have you not?" EJ asked, sceptically.

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