23 : Too Much Love Will Kill You

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𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔞𝔪𝔢 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
𝔜𝔢𝔞𝔯 200,100

"We got incoming!"

    They flew as fast as they could towards the Dalek fleet, into the missiles sent their way, with no ability to stop. If they did, then they would surely die. Jack knew that, which was why he did his darnedest to fix up some shields.

     "The extrapolators working, we've got a fully functioning force field. Try saying that when you're drunk."

  "And for my next trick..." The Doctor pulled down a lever so they materialised on the mothership with ease.

     The Tardis landed in the perfect place, homing in on Rose's heartbeat so that they didn't miss her. It quite often felt like magic, rather than technology, because of how brilliant it was. They were saving her without crushing her with the weight of a machine. Only, when they materialised, they brought a Dalek inside the Tardis with her.

However, they were prepared. The others were gathered together, out of the way. Jack had his gun in hand, directed towards them, waiting for them to fill lock in place.

"Rose, get down!" The Doctor shouted with urgency. "Get down, Rose!"

The Dalek took one look at them. "Exterminate!"

The machine fired at the Doctor, but he ducked, and pulled EJ down with him, just in case. He could only be glad that Jack was trigger happy, because he fired immediately after, blowing the Dalek open completely. It screamed in pain, hallowing as it touched the core of EJ's soul. But then it stopped, and it was dead, and it was over.

Rose looked up, and stood straight. There was a sense of relief all over her. That alone made it worth it.

"You did it!" The Doctor scrambled to embrace her, and EJ followed swiftly, hardly allowing them a moment together. "It feels like I haven't seen you in years."

"I told you I'd come and get you." The Doctor sighed.

She held her breath, slightly. "I never doubted it."

"I did." He gulped, wide eyed, and childish. "You alright?"

"Yeah, you?"

"Not bad, been better."

"I was so worried about you." EJ wrapped his arms around her, tightly. "And I'm so glad that you're okay."

"Hey," Jack interrupted, raising his eyebrows and arms simultaneously. "Don't I get a hug?"

"Oh, come here."

"I was talking to him." He joked as EJ stepped away, taking the hint through the humour. "Welcome home."

"Oh..." Rose sighed, obviously relieved as her situation sank in further. "I thought I'd never see you again."

"Oh, you were lucky. That was the one shot wonder. It drained the fun of its power supply, now it's just a piece of junk."

"You said they were extinct." Her focus shifted back to the Doctor, and to the Daleks. "So how comes they're still alive?"

The Doctor had turned to the machine of his own accord, and inspected it. Part of him wanted to be aware of the advances they'd made since he'd seen them last. Another part wanted to revel in its death, but that was the part he was attempting to suppress. He was sure it wasn't a healthy action, but more of a necessity.

EJ remembered the day they had encountered the Dalek together. It wasn't one he wished to relive any time soon, but this seemed to be pushing for some sort of reunion. Their Dalek was dead. It wanted to die.

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