62 : Everything Will Be

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𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔫, 𝔈𝔫𝔤𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡, 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔖𝔢𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 1599

"But how do you travel in time, what makes it go?" Martha questioned as the Tardis threw them from side to side.

"Oh, let's take the fun and the mystery out of everything." The Doctor groaned as he rotated one of the notches on the console. "Martha, you don't wanna know. It just does!"

"Even if you do, I don't." EJ retorted, poignantly, making a point to hold onto the beams rather than the console, as they were much sturdier. "Don't ruin the fun."

"Hold on tight!"

The Doctor's warning was barely enough for them to prepare themselves for the sudden jolt. However, when it came, and they were jilted from their original place, it was a relief. Martha was thrown to the ground, and the Doctor into EJ, before they resumed normal business.

"Blimey!" The woman said as she brushed herself down. "D'you have to pass a test to fly this thing?"

"Yes," The Doctor replied, picking up Martha's leather jacket and throwing it to her, handing EJ one of his knitted jumpers before donning his own coat, and guiding them towards the doors. "And I failed, now, make the most of it. I promised you one trip and one trip only. Outside this door... brave new world."

  His back was to the woods as he grinned widely. "Brilliant." EJ whispered; it always brought a smile to his face.

  Excited, Martha was practically jumping up and down. "Where are we?"

  "Take a look..." He pushed open the doors, and waited for her to step through before they could follow. "After you."

     Martha wasted no time, and rushed out of the Tardis. EJ didn't blame her; he'd been the same when the Doctor first took him in the beautiful machine. So, he granted her a moment to take it in with no distractions.

     Instead, he grabbed the Doctor's tie, and pulled him forwards, kissing him tenderly. It didn't last longer than a second or two, and then their heads leant against one another for only a moment. Their eyes met. If this was the way that EJ was going to be, then it was going to be an eventful day all round.

     When they stepped out, they were met with the sight of a post-medieval street. People were bustling around, shuffling, but it wasn't particularly busy. The hay which covered the ground created more noise than there really was.

     "Oh, you're kidding me! You're so kidding me!" Martha jumped back, narrowly missing EJ. "Oh, my God. We did it! We travelled in time! Where are we? No, sorry, gotta get used to this, whole new language. When are we?"

Before she could receive an answer, the Doctor pulled her back by the shoulder. "Mind out!"

"Gardez-loo!" A faint-ish voice called, and when they looked up, they watched as a bucket of faeces was tipped from a window.

"Somewhere before the invention of the toilet. Sorry about that."

It didn't seem to bother Martha at all, and she shrugged it off. "I've seen worse, I've worked the late night shift in A&E."

"Oh, yeah?" EJ raised an eyebrow, more than willing to challenge her experience. "Try having a colic newborn when you're barely sixteen."

The Doctor pouted at the thought. "Oh, was he that bad?" EJ only nodded; they weren't the most eventful days of his life, but he thought of them with some fondness at least.

The two men stepped forwards, not realising Martha's apprehension until she caught hold of the Thompson boy's jumper. "But are we safe? I mean, can we move around and stuff?"

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