29 : Touch

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𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔜𝔬𝔯𝔨, 𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔜𝔢𝔞𝔯 5,000,000,023

They stayed with the Face of Boe for twenty minutes before EJ began to worry about Rose. He knew that she could handle herself, probably better than he could cope, but it didn't change how he felt. It wasn't as if he knew where to go to start searching, so he wouldn't. The Doctor got them some water, and EJ tried to think of other things. Mainly, how would a species of heads reproduce, because no matter what he thought, there always seemed to be some sort of blockage.

     After everything which came over the tannoy, the same three word phrase was spoken. In truth, it was pissing EJ off.

     "Hope, harmony and health."

     If it was supposed to be reassuring, it was anything but. Had it been him in one of those beds, he'd be more inclined to slice his own throat with an iv needle than sit and listen to what they had to say.

"That's very kind," Novice Hame told the Doctor as he handed her a small paper cone filled with water. "There's no need."

  "You're the one working."

  "Thank you." EJ smiled at him as he was given a drink as well. "Needed this."

  "There's not much to do, just maintain his smoke." She told them, sitting by his tank. "And I suppose I'm company. I can hear him singing sometimes, in my mind, such ancient songs."

  The Doctor asked, confused. "Am I the only visitor?"

  "The rest of Boekind became extinct long ago. He's he only one left. Legend says that the Face of Boe has watched the universe grow old. There's all sorts of superstitions around him. One story says that just before his death, the Face of Boe will impart his great secret, that he will speak those words only to one like himself."

The Doctor furrowed his brows. "What does that mean?"

"It's just a story." She chuckled lightly to herself, and no one else.

Still, he insisted. "Tell me the rest."

  Novice Hame did as he asked, despite her reluctance. "It's said he'll talk to a wanderer, to the man without a home, the lonely god."

  Their was a look of fear on the Doctor's face, like someone had called him out. EJ took his hand, and whispered. "That sounds like you, Doctor."  Perhaps, it wasn't what he wanted to hear.

They must have waited almost half an hour for Rose before really starting to wonder what had happened. Conversation had made time pass a little faster than they expected. They really should have done something sooner.

The Doctor took the number from EJ's flip phone and dialled it into the hospitals phone instead. Apparently, it would be easier for them both to hear what she said, when they got through, that was. It took five rings before she picked up, and even then, EJ wasn't convinced it would go through.

     "Rose?" The Doctor hummed along the line. "Where are you?"

  "Um... watcha." It was good to hear her voice to know that she was safe, though there was something to it which didn't quite match up.

  "Where've you been? How long does it take to get to Ward 26?"

  "Half an hour." Only after EJ replied did he realise the Doctor was being sarcastic. "Oh... right."

  Rose spoke through her mobile again. "I'm on my way, guvnor. I shall proceed up the apples and pears."

He grinned into the receiver, almost childlike in his actions. "You'll never guess, I'm with the Face of Boe. Remember him?"

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