12 : Don't Lose Your Head

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𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔫, 𝔈𝔫𝔤𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡, 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔒𝔠𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔢𝔯 1985

Weddings were not something that EJ could say he was completely accustomed to. He had only ever been to one in his life, which was his eldest sisters, that he couldn't remember because he was only a few months old. So, technically, weddings meant nothing to him at all.

Although, as long as the Doctor took him back to the right part in his life, EJ was set up to be one of the best men at Soren and Taylor's civil partnership, which they were turning into an unofficial wedding. It was something that he was genuinely excited for, not only for his friends, but for everyone around them to experience something so positive.

EJ pushed that aside as they made their way into a room which wasn't much different to a classic registrar's office. It was slightly larger which allowed their friends to join whoever was there for their special day. Everything was white and cream, which was nice, but boring.

They were quiet as they snuck into the back of the room, relatively unnoticed. Their seats were along the second back row, and EJ had somehow found himself wedged in between Rose and the Doctor. She was tense, and she had every reason to be. It wasn't just a random wedding they were sneaking into, but the wedding of Jackie Prentice and Pete Tyler.

     In the once or twice that EJ had the absolute pleasure of Jackie's company, he had realised what sort of person she was. Driven. Hardworking. Protective. All very useful skills, especially as a mother, but it was odd seeing her on her wedding day.

     She was beautiful. Her dress was long, and slim, very fitting of her. She had a perm too, tied up with a flower at the band. EJ thought that it was stunning, and she was too.

      The man opposite her, who in two short years would be referred to as her late husband, wore a green suit. His red hair was thinning. He didn't seem to be half the match for Jackie and EJ had imagined, but she seemed happy all the same. The best way for a relationship to start was outside of the orthodox shallow view of finding the most attractive person and looking for something more. It was what Jackie had done, almost certainly.

     The officiate, dressed in black and white, stood between them as they held hands. Both seemed nervous. Was this what happened at weddings? So far, EJ was bored.

     "I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Andrea Suzette Prentice."

     It wasn't a hard task, particularly. The officiate had spoken exactly what Pete was supposed to recite, clearly. And, since this was the woman he was supposed to be spending the rest of his life with, he perhaps should have done some homework.

     "I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Susanne... Suzette... Anita?" Scrambling for help, Pete looked to the officiate who was lost in the situation.

     Jackie did look slightly crestfallen at it all, though her slight frown was nothing by comparison to before, but she didn't allow it to bother her too much. That being said, it seemed that Rose was angry enough for the both of them.

"Oh, just carry on." She remarked when there was an expectant look her way. "If it's good enough for Lady Di..."

The Doctor grinned at her cheek, which mirrored on EJ's face as Rose commented beneath her breath. "I thought he'd be taller."

"Why?" Asked the boy, and she just shrugged in response.

They stayed until they shared their first kiss as man and wife, but didn't stick around long enough to be noticed. It wasn't exactly like they were wearing the appropriate clothes, either. Baggy denim jeans were a choice that EJ both regretted and owned at the same time.

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