65 : There Was No Thief

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𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔜𝔬𝔯𝔨, 𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔜𝔢𝔞𝔯 5,000,000,053

There were memories concealed in the rain that EJ was skeptical to speak of. The very first time his father had set upon him in the basement, carving into his stomach, it had rained. He could hear it pounding into the barred windows. It was all that was left to distract him.

The thought had become apparent only in the last few days... EJ wondered if he would have survived this same way if he had known the Doctor then. Having someone on his side would have changed everything. He wondered if just knowing that this was going to come would have made him react differently.

     There wasn't always the time to ruminate on these issues, anyway. There was too much to do, and much to see.

     EJ was fighting to keep his jumper from out of the rain. He'd yet to put it on, being so distracted by the thought of being in New New York again. It was a nice jumper, cream, and woollen, with no patterns. When he wore it, he felt like he looked different... maybe softer than usual, more friendly. Now he realised that this was not the place to look so gentle.

     "Well, it looks like the same old Earth to me." Martha remarked as she huddled close into her jacket, following the Doctor beneath the only shelter they could see. "On a Wednesday afternoon."

  "Oh, come on, have an imagination." EJ rolled his eyes, unimpressed. "Or at least don't ruin this for me."

  "Hold on, hold on," The Doctor mediated. "Let's have a look." 

     There was a gap in the brickwork where his attention had focused. Upon closer inspection, EJ realised that there was an information panel, though, it was clearly out of action. It was nothing the sonic couldn't fix, and after a few seconds of whirring, it revealed a programme. At first, it was fuzzy, until the Doctor hit his fist on it, and then it calibrated.

     "And the driving should be clear and easy," A well put together woman smiled. "With fifteen extra lanes open for the New New Jersey Expressway."

  When the picture changed to green open fields and cars flying over the city, the Doctor tapped his fingers against the screen. "That's more like it, that's the view we had last time. This must be the lower levels, down at the base of the tower, some sort of Undercity."

  "You brought me to the slums?" Martha scoffed.

  EJ rolled his eyes as he pulled the jumper over his head; his body heat had made it warmer. It was nice. "It's not that bad."

  "Much more interesting!" The Doctor agreed. "It's all cocktails and glitter up there. This is the real city."

  She smiled, perhaps convinced. "You'd enjoy anything."

  "I say that all the time." The Thompson boy agreed.

  "That's me!" He stepped out of the small, sheltered section, beaming. "Ah, the rains stopping. Better and better!"

  "That's sad, I love the rain." EJ frowned, his mood dipping ever so slightly. However, he then turned to the Doctor and placed a hand on his freckled cheek. "And I love what it does to your hair." He placed a kiss on his cheek, and pulled away, smirking.

  Martha followed behind them, and when she spoke, they stopped walking to look back at her. "When you say last time, was that you, EJ and Rose?"

  "Um, yeah, yeah, it was, yeah."

  "You're taking me to the same planets that you took her?" The black haired snorted, amused, because he knew what was coming.

  However, the Doctor couldn't see the issue. "What's wrong with that?"

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