24 : My Life Has Been Saved

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𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔞𝔪𝔢 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
𝔜𝔢𝔞𝔯 200,100

There is a moment when the light fades from the day, and the stars rise into the sky, where everything appears to just stop. EJ remembered the first time he watched the sunset on his own, and how beautiful it felt. This was the first moment he was allowed to take for himself, and he'd never forgotten it.

     Whilst he was panicking, in any moment, EJ thought back to the sunset. He thought back to the stars. It calmed his nerves enough to keep him going. Letting Rose go home was sitting in his stomach all wrong. Yet, there was nothing he could do to rectify the problem.

     Instead, he was splitting the wires and listening to Jack walk them through what he was doing on another floor. In truth, this was a ghastly experience too. EJ despised it completely, and he wished that there was something more he could do to help. Something which didn't involve rubbed beneath his nails.

"Rose, I've called up the internal laser codes, there should be a different number on every screen." Jack said through the call. "Read them to me."

The Doctor replied, bluntly. "She's not here."

"Of all the times to take a leak?" He laughed, absent to their melancholy. "When she gets back, tell her to read me the codes."

"She's not coming back." Everything he said began to sound more morbid by the second.

"What do you mean? Where'd she go?"

  EJ's throat grew dry as the Doctor deadpanned. "Just get on with your work."

  Jack just smiled, softly, tenderly. "You took her home, didn't you?"


  "Why not EJ?"

  "Cos I wouldn't let him." The Thompson boy butted in, almost spitefully, even though it was all his decision. "Do you want those codes or not? I'll do it."

"The delta wave." Jack deadpanned. "Is it ever gonna be ready?"

It was frightening the first time they heard the Emperor Dalek speak, but now it was just ominous. "Tell them the truth, Doctor." He boomed through the comms. "There is every possibility the delta wave could be complete, but no possibility of refining it. The delta wave must kill every living thing in its path with no distinction between human and Dalek. All things will die by your hand."

"Doctor, the range of this transmitter covers the entire Earth."

EJ didn't know why he hadn't thought of it before. It was a television station, a glorified one, but all the same. There was no reason why it shouldn't reach the Earth, and it made what they were doing that much worse. He had vowed he would not be as bad as his father, and yet, he was preparing to kill a whole planet.

"You would destroy Daleks and humans together. If I am God, the creator of all things, then what does that make you, Doctor?"

"There are colonies out there." He spat in response, not providing him much comfort. "The human race would survive in some shape or form, but you're the only Dalek's in existence. The whole universe is in danger if I let you live. Do you see, Jack? That's the decision I've got to make for every little thing. Die as a human or live as a Dalek. What would you do?"

There was more going on in the Doctor's brain than he was admitting, and Jack could see right through him. "You sent her home. She's safe. Keep working."

"But we will exterminate you!"

EJ wanted nothing more than to tell him to shut up, but it wasn't his time to speak. The Captain was smiling through his words. "Never doubted him, never will."

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