6 : Machines (Or Back To Humans)

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𝔘𝔱𝔞𝔥, 𝔘𝔫𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔰, 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔍𝔲𝔩𝔶 2012

If you had asked four-year-old EJ Thompson what he wanted to be when he grew up, it was to be an astronaut. His mother had told him stories about the stars, about aliens, and planets he couldn't even imagine existed. Of course, she had no idea what was really out there, but it made him wonder for the rest of his life. Earth couldn't be the only thing out there with life... it just couldn't.

But if you had asked a thirteen-year-old EJ what it was he wanted to be, it would have been a much different reply. He didn't have as much of that childhood innocence anymore, and had come to the forced realisation that being an astronaut was not a rational dream. Instead, he would reply with somethings academic: a biomedical scientist just like his father.

Now twenty, and a full time tattoo artist, EJ hadn't expected his profession to be so aloof. Although, he that there must have been something missing.

It was universe.

Space was, as he had always hoped, brilliant. EJ never thought he would be given the opportunity to spend even a second surrounded by the stars. His mind and heart had both been stolen within only a moment, and it felt like there could never be anything to compare to it. He had always been in love with the stars, and one day they would come to love him too.

The Doctor took him to the Horsehead Nebula, which was his first experience outside of Earth, never mind the Galaxy. All colour seemed to explode into the atmosphere, creating a sort of bubble for them to observe its wonder. For a moment, he was content with just this, and the idea that this might be all he got to see of space.

     As soon as he decided that, the small void inside of his chest reopened, just when it was attempting to heal. He wanted to see more, and he couldn't wait for it much longer.

     EJ wasn't exactly sure where they were heading when Tardis changed course. They had received a signal, one that the Doctor decided that they couldn't ignore, because it meant that someone was in need. But he and Rose were assured that it was only a slight detour, and it wouldn't take too long.

     When they landed, it was not the sort of thing that they were expecting at all. The Doctor went first, if only to scope out the area.

     "What is it?" Rose followed him swiftly, ignoring his guidelines to stay inside of the ship. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know."

"Fat lot of good you are, then." EJ rolled his eyes, copying Rose, and closing the door to the Tardis, gently.

The Doctor just shook his head at the boy, and continued. "Some sort of signal drawing the Tardis off course."

"Where are we?" The girl asked, proud of herself for remembering to even ask.

"Earth." He replied swiftly, with more ease than breathing, it seemed. "Utah, North America. About half a mile underground."

"What about when?" The Thompson boy raised his eyebrows, beginning to wander slightly, his eyes catching glimpses of objects which almost impossible to see in the dark. "Because if this is 2005 still I'm gonna be so annoyed, you have no idea."

"2012." The Doctor clarified, also becoming slightly distracted by the objects.

They were glass boxes, each holding something different, and out of the ordinary. Even when there was very little light, their shadows were easy to spot.

"God, that's so close." Rose gasped in wonder. "I should be 26!"

"Ha!" EJ taunted, playfully. "I'd be 27!"

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