54 : I'll Keep You Safe

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𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔫, 𝔈𝔫𝔤𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡, 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔄𝔲𝔤𝔲𝔰𝔱 2006

When he was with the Doctor, EJ found it easy to forget just how human he really was. Sometimes, he felt that he was a God, and yet, that would only make the fall so much harder. Humans weren't built for that kind of impact.

     EJ didn't like being confined to one particular space. It was the idea of construction which he associated with his father, and at all costs, he was doing his best to ignore the feeling. However, Jackie was more than uncomfortable, worrying her head off about Rose. Furthermore, the Doctor was silent. He was trying to think through a thousand processes. It seemed that none of them were going to help just yet.

     The Thompson boy didn't want to be the one to ask questions, and he didn't want to break the silence, not when Jackie was crying. It wasn't his place. There wasn't a rule book for times like these, and it wasn't as if the Doctor ever paid that much attention to what he said.

Backed against the wall, Jackie's reddening face was hard to ignore. It was more guilt that EJ wasn't sure how the Doctor would deal with. An interesting experience to say the least.

"What's down there?" Her voice shook as she looked to the Doctor for answers he didn't have yet. "She was in that room with the sphere. What's happened to Rose?"

He was leant against the wall, clearly frustrated as he spoke monotonously. "I don't know."

"It'll be okay." EJ nodded, wrapping an arm around Jackie's shoulders when a sob escaped her, and her hands clasped her face. "We'll make it okay. I'll make it okay."

The Doctor stood by them, and looked the woman in the eyes, ignoring whatever it was Yvonne was doing at her desk. After all, this was all her fault. "I'll find her."

It was easy to believe the Doctor when he made promises, because there was an attractive quality to the way he spoke. He was a magnet. EJ was sure that the Doctor could have told him anything, and he would have been inclined to believe it. The Doctor lied, but not to him.

"I brought you here and I'll get you both out: you and your daughter. Jackie, look at me. Look at me!" It took her a moment, but when she complied, he spoke again. "I promise you. I give you my word."

"You will contact your Central World Authority and order global surrender."

"Oh, do some research!" Yvonne scoffed at the Cyberman. "We haven't got a Central World Authority!"

"You have now. I will speak on all global wavelengths."

As the Doctor put on his 3D glasses, EJ pondered. He'd forgotten just how intimidating the metal armoured suits were. The Cyberman who seemed to be in charge faced another, and began to drone. Its cold face was soon across every screen, even the laptop in the office, expressing to the world everything which had and would happen.

"This broadcast is for humankind. Cybermen now occupy every landmass on this planet. But you need not fear. Cybermen will remove fear. Cybermen will remove sex and class and colour and creed. You will become identical. You will become like us."

They stared out to London as chaos ensued. Fire and smoke bellowed from the streets, and EJ felt a tightening in his chest. He couldn't know if his friends were safe, or where his family were. It wasn't often he wondered about his brothers, but he prayed they were out of harms way. He loved his friends, and he wanted them sheltered from harm. Most of all, it was Josh he worried for. EJ didn't know if they had even managed to make it home before the Cybermen were released.

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