20 : Let Me Live

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ℭ𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔦𝔣𝔣, 𝔚𝔞𝔩𝔢𝔰, 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔍𝔲𝔫𝔢 2005

In a comparison of day and night, EJ would always have chosen the night. Whilst it was dark, and he didn't like that, there were stars. He adored them, with all of the constellations, and beauty just left for everyone to see.

They would have chosen to escort Margaret to the Tardis sooner, however, it would have been highly suspicious for the Lord Mayor just to disappear midday. It also happened to be a lot more difficult than they had first anticipated. She didn't exactly want to cooperate with her own capture; and EJ didn't blame her. Either way, they managed to get her back.

Being an alien, EJ thought that maybe she wasn't going to be impressed by the Tardis. There was always the possibility that Slitheen were the most technologically advanced race in all of the universe. He simply didn't know. It came to his surprise that Margaret was just as in love with the ship as everyone else who had stepped through its doors.

There was something captivating about her that EJ just adored. She looked after him, if that was at all possible. It was like she was alive, looking at them, judging them, and caring for them. She was more human than most of the people EJ had met in school.

"This ship is impossible!" Margaret marvelled, her mouth open wide. "It's superb! How do you get the outside around the inside?"

The Doctor teased, lazily. "Like I'd give you the secret, yeah."

She seemed far too jolly about the whole situation, almost as if she were taking the role of a stereotypical Brit rather than a Welshman. "I almost feel better about being defeated. We never stood a chance, this is the technology of the Gods!"

"Don't worship me." He replied. "I'd make a very bad God."

EJ nodded in agreement from his place on the support beams. "He would."

"You wouldn't get a day off for starters." Swiftly, the subject altered. "Jack, how are we going?"

"This extrapolators top of the range." The Captain replied from his seat on the floor meddling with the mechanics. "Where did you get it?"

"I don't know." She hummed. "Some airlock sale."

"Must've been a great big heist. It's stacked with power."

The Doctor looked to him, concerned almost. "But we can use it for fuel?"

"It's not compatible, but it should knock off about 12 hours. We'll be ready to go by morning."

"Then we're stuck here." He paused. "Overnight."

Margaret shrugged, though her opinion wasn't valued. "I'm in no hurry."

"We've got a prisoner." Rose must have been feeding off the same excitable energy that Margaret as as she bounced on the spot. "The police box is really a police box."

  "You're not just police though," She observed, slyly. "Since you're taking me to my death, that makes you my executioners. Each and every one of you."

  "Well you deserve it." Mickey retorted.

  "You're so very quick to say so. You're very quick to soak your hands in my blood. Which makes you better than me, how, exactly?" She grasped the silence with both hands. "Long night, ahead." Just to emphasise her point, she sat, and looked at them all intently. "Let's see who can look at me in the eye."

     She targeted Mickey first, and he held on, for a short while. Soon, his conscious forced him to look away. Rose did the same, only much quicker, and the Doctor hardly subjected himself to the task. It was easier for him not to take part. EJ, however, looked into her eyes. He held his gaze, strong, until Margaret became bored by him. Slightly impressed, perhaps, she turned away.

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