15 : The Night Comes Down

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𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔫, 𝔈𝔫𝔤𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡, 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔍𝔞𝔫𝔲𝔞𝔯𝔶 1941

When time travel is mentioned, no one's first thought is about following a mysterious capsule through the vortex. It certainly wasn't what EJ expected to be doing when he awoke from his midday, what he assumed to be midday, nap. The Tardis was being thrown side to side as it attempted to keep its lock on the object.

     "What's the emergency?" Rose asked, panicking slightly as she slipped, her hold on the console keeping her upright.

  Hurried, the Doctor responded. "Mauve."

  "Mauve?" She questioned as she ran to his side.

  "The awful purpley red colour?" EJ grimaced as he clung onto the spring chair. "Really?"

  "Universally recognised colour for danger." The Doctor informed them, and it felt like a joke of some sort. 

  "What happened to red?" Rose yelped as she lost her footing again.

  "That's just humans. By everyone else's standards, red's camp." He shrugged. "Oh, the misunderstandings! All those red alerts, all that dancing!"

  "I suppose you'd know, wouldn't you?" EJ chuckled to himself at the thought of the Doctor dancing.

  "I would, actually." He beamed, remaining distracted for a moment before returning to their epic chase. "It's got a very basic flight computer. I've hacked in, slaved the Tardis. Wherever it goes, we go!"

  A concerned frown braced Rose's face. "And that's safe is it?"


The Doctor made quick work of the console as he jumped around to make sure all of the correct systems were functioning. She wasn't the most stable ship in history, but she did the job. Though, he did jolt them all backwards with one accidental touch.

"Okay," He corrected himself. "Reasonably. Should have said reasonably- there. No! No! No! They're jumping tracks, getting away from us!"

Rose hurried. "What exactly is this thing?"

"No idea." The Doctor returned.

"Then why are we chasing it?" She asked again.

EJ mumbled, not expecting to be heard. "Feels like a suicide mission."

  "It's mauve and dangerous." The Doctor said, nervously, but his words were becoming more enticing by the moment. "And about thirty seconds from the centre of London."

     Despite their nerves, EJ had never felt so alive. It was one thing to be offered so many wonderful things by such an amazing person. However, ever since he had opened up about his past, and his present, everything had been a little easier. They understood him more. He didn't feel like he was holding anything back.

     He was lucky, really. As soon as the Doctor knew his fathers name, EJ was sure he knew all about the stories. Scott Thompson was infamous, and he was ready to be out to rest as far as EJ was concerned. It only ever became an issue when someone else caused the memories to resurface. He'd been getting good at hiding the thoughts from himself.

     But it didn't matter now, anyway. Yes, he thought about it sometimes, maybe more than he should have, but it happened. All he could do now was focus on the future, and what they were going to do when they found the capsule. They knew nothing about it.

When they opened the Tardis doors, they saw nothing but a dimly lit alleyway. The night must've fallen early as only some of the street lamps were illuminating the area. They were surrounded by thin buildings which seemed to tower above them. It wasn't the most welcoming space EJ had ever been in.

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