41 : Son

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𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔫, 𝔈𝔫𝔤𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡, 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔐𝔞𝔶 2006

There was something about home which always felt different when he returned to it. Home was always a place of comfort, but EJ was starting to realise that home was not always somewhere he could go. There were times when his London flat was home. There were times when the Tardis was home. And there were times when people were home.

     Once upon a time, only five years ago, home was with Zoë, and then it was Soren, and then it was Angel. Now that he was travelling, the only person he realised he wanted to come home to, was Josh. After a hard day, all he wanted was to hold his son.

      It wasn't as simple anymore, and that was okay, because it was EJ's decision. But today was one of those days. He just needed to go to his home.

     Rose was still distraught as they journeyed back from the parallel Earth, and she sobbed the entire time. Eventually, the Doctor decided it would be best if they just took her directly to her mother. It wasn't like she had Mickey to talk to anymore. That was the problem.

     When the Tardis doors opened, she ran out into her mothers arms like they hadn't been together in forever. EJ could only hope that Josh would be as excited to see him when he arrived.

     "You're alive!" She whimpered, a hand covering her mouth at first. "Oh, Mum, you're alive!"

  Jackie was still dressed in her pink nightclothes, as she wrapped her arms around her daughter, ever so slightly confused. "Well, I was the last time I looked."

     The Doctor took EJ's hand as they exited the Tardis, leaning against the exterior woodwork. It was odd to watch someone break down, and watch another worry. In fact, after all that had happened,  it was partially distressing.

     "What is it? What happened, sweetheart?" When Rose didn't stop crying, she knew that whatever had happened must have been horrific. "What's wrong? Where did you go?"

  "Far away." Her eyes met the Doctors and he sighed, deeply. "That was... far away."

  It wasn't something that EJ ever wanted to relive, but he knew that it was impossible to avoid forever. "Where's Mickey?"

  "He's gone home." The Doctor said, as though it was that simple.

     The Thompson boy sighed, matching the Doctor's stance as he leant into his side. His head rested gently on his shoulder, allowing himself to relax a little more. He'd been tense for so long, and his muscles ached intensely because of it.

     Jackie must have noticed his morbidity amongst her embrace, and opened her arms even wider than before, if that was possible. "Come here, love."

     He did as she asked, and joined Rose in the centre of the living room. Honestly, Jackie was more of a mother to him at this moment in time than his own. She tried, a few years ago, but that had all gone down the drain when Tate revealed all of their secrets.

     "D'you want a cuppa?" She offered, rubbing at some of the tear stains beneath his eyes. "I've got some hot chocolate in 'specially."

  EJ bit his bottom lip and shook his head, gratefully. "No, sorry, Jackie. I've... I've got to see Josh... my son..."

  "Of course! Of course!" Her eyes lit up with realisation. "You should go!"

  He turned to the Doctor, slightly awkwardly, because he felt weird just leaving without much earning. "I'll be back later, Doctor. I promise."

"Don't worry 'bout me." The Time Lord just grinned at the Thompson boy with complete understanding. There weren't many able to do that. "I'll come pick you up."

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