3 : Action This Day

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𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔫, 𝔈𝔫𝔤𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡, 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔄𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔩 2005

EJ was the sort of child who asked the uncomfortable questions that no parent wanted to answer, so it just got avoided until they couldn't go on that way anymore. He was the sort of child to keep pestering them until everything made a little more sense. He was the child who first asked about life after death.

     Of course, his father being the way he was, and his mother being the way she was, straight answers were a luxury. It was his Nana Jane who had quickly shut down every phantasmagorical idea, and faced him with the cold, hard facts as a seven-year-old. As far as she saw it, there was no need to prolong the delusion.

     He knew as he watched the green, bug-eyed monster strangle the secretary man until his neck was broken, that there was no afterlife, and that he had gone without so much as a goodbye. He knew because it was what his Nana had told him, and she had never been wrong before.

There was fright in the air as they watched what the alien did to the human so easily. They stood no chance against her if that was what I came to, and it was under no speculation that they would be next on their hit list.

Just as they were preparing themselves, the creature broke out into a fit as blue electricity, almost like lightening, attacked it. Though it came from nowhere, it was the very thing which allowed them to escape the room. (Of course, them being Rose, Harriet and EJ.) The screams it let out were shrill and coarse, echoing through the room, but they had to ignore it. Otherwise, they would never leave.

     Rose's brain must have been moving at a slighter quicker pace to the others around her as she grabbed onto their hands and forced them to run. Though, Harriet didn't seem to get the memo about being discreet, and she screamed bloody murder. It was as they were running out of the Cabinet Office that the only politician in vicinity, doubled back.

  "Wait! They're still in there- the Emergency Protocols." She panicked, her breath halting as her feet took her all the way back again. "We need them."

With no other plan, and a shared look of concern, EJ and Rose followed swiftly. There was no point in them being split up.

"Bloody hell." EJ grunted, reluctantly, chasing after the older woman, surprised by how fast she really was. Although, she never actually managed to grab the bag, seeing as the green alien, who's name to them was still a mystery, was still inside of the room. She had no chance in passing the alien, not in hell.

As a trio, they ran every way they could in attempt to shake off their counterpart. There was rather a lot of screaming. The first room they sped into was large, and when the door was locked, Rose sighed heavily. She could hear the breathing of the monster through the wood, which meant that it was time for them to move. It broke through within seconds, and all they could do was keep moving, in hope that they wouldn't find themselves torn in two by its incredible claws.

They tried another door. It was locked, and Rose kept trying it. Harriet lagged behind, and as she joined them, EJ had started hitting the lock with the end of a fire extinguisher because it was 'really fucking heavy' which obviously meant it would be affective. Still, it didn't budge.

The open lift doubled as a distraction, offering them the time to push their way into another room entirely. Only, it wasn't the weapon-filled suburbia they were hoping it to be. Instead, it was a pretty white lounge, with minimal furniture, and hardly anywhere for them to conceal themselves.

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