66 : Empty House

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𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔜𝔬𝔯𝔨, 𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔜𝔢𝔞𝔯 5,000,000,053

EJ would never describe himself as athletic. His body didn't physically allow him to partake in athletic events, however, it seemed to be his entire life now. The Doctor had swung from the car onto the one below with minimal difficulty. The same could not be said for EJ. As he bided his time, breathing in the fumes, and feeling his arms ache as they held up his bodyweight, he wondered if he'd made the right decision.

     It didn't matter now, because if he didn't move swiftly, then he would be left there without the Doctor. His landing left something to be desired as he fell backwards, not able to stick. Though, his worries grew as the fumes infiltrated his lungs. He coughed, and it hurt like a razor on his forearms.

     The Doctor crouched in front of the capsule opening, and used the sonic to open it. Then, he jumped down, EJ followed again. It was a much easier to land this one. However, their surroundings were quite starkly contrasting the outside. The entire inside of the car was white, and very clinical looking. The man sat behind the wheel was also purely white, almost like it was painted.

     Scared and confused. "Who the hell are you?"

  "Sorry, Motorway Foot Patrol." The Doctor flashed the psychic paper before turning to the the second hatch. "I'm doing a survey."

  "I'm his apprentice." EJ pointed to the Time Lord, awkwardly. "Of the... Motorway Foot Patrol..."

  "How are you enjoying your Motorway?" He opened the hatch.

  "Not very much." The man spat at them, frustrated. "Junction Five's been closed for three years!"

  The Doctor offered his very best customer service smile. "Thank you! Your comments have been noted. Have a nice day."

  EJ had to wait for the Doctor to jump onto the top of the next car before he could climb out of the hatch, mimicking the same plastered smile. "What he said."

     The next chime of 'capsule open' lead them into an incredibly kawaii set up. Two girls in bright clothes turned from the seats to face them, and EJ could only wave anxiously as he waited for the Doctor to do his short script.

     "Thank you for your co-operation." The Doctor spluttered, still coughing at a high frequency. He looked over at a rack of bandana's, picking up an indigo one and tying it around his nose and mouth. "Do you mind if I borrow this? Not my colour, but thank you very much."

  "I'm just gonna take this one." EJ said as he picked a red one. "Matches my shoes."

     The same happened again, with the same process, and EJ's horrific landings never seemed to get better. Only, this time it was slightly more jarring. There were two naturalists,  stark naked, and struggling to cover their private parts from the two strangers who'd invaded their space.

     "Don't mind us!"

     EJ could imagine that the existence was rather freeing and peaceful, though a little long. There wasn't much time to linger on it as they jumped down to another car. It was all red, including the short, fat man behind the wheel. They did little else than salute him before jumping down to the next one, which was becoming increasingly difficult. EJ found it difficult to breathe.

     'Capsule open.'

     The Doctor was inside of the car first, and was met instantly met by the epitome of the stereotypical Englishman. He wore a pinstriped suit and a bowler hat, which no one did anymore. They stared at each other.

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