22 : Fight From The Inside

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𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔞𝔪𝔢 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
𝔜𝔢𝔞𝔯 200,100

EJ Thompson, aged twenty, had been arrested only twice. The first was when he beat his father to a pulp aged only fourteen, and it was the only way his mother could think to keep them both safe. The second was after breaking into a newsagents to steal some food when he was fifteen, just before his father died, and he was being starved for his next procedure.

     In comparison to those, being taken into custody in the Game Station was much more frightening. They were brash, and they didn't care, but he couldn't work out why. At least he knew some of the police back home, and that softened the blow a little.

     They were taken to floor zero where the cells were. One by one, they were searched. It made EJ feel dirty, like he'd done something wrong, like he had committed some awful sin when all he was trying to do was save his friend. They were too late to help.

     One by one, they were thrown into the cells after having their mugshots taken. They took everything that they had on their persons, including EJ's purple pen and keys, which pissed him off. The Doctor received a rougher treatment as he was shoved forcefully against the grate, taking the sonic out of his jacket.

"Can you tell us the purpose of this device, sir?" When he didn't answer, the shoved him in the cell so they were sat beside each other on a bench. "Can you tell us how you got on board?"

Lynda called out. "Just leave him alone."

The guard grabbed ahold of her face, forcing her to look at him. "I'm asking him. Sir? Can you tell us who you are?"

EJ perhaps hadn't considered how much of an effect this would take on the Doctor. He knew Rose before he ever new the Thompson boy. Losing her had broken his heart, and now they needed to learn how to fix him as fast as possible.

"You will be taken from this place to the lunar penal colony to be held without trial. You may not appeal against this sentence. Is that understood?"

Though they weren't allowed to reply, they took it as an understanding. Then, they turned away, and stepped through the gate, which would be locked until they were ready to be taken away. The Doctor and Jack must've had a prior understanding, because there was something in the way they looked at each other which made EJ wonder.

"Let's do it."

Jack jumped up from the bench and kicked the first guard out of the way before grabbing onto the doorframe. He swung like some sort of gymnast to knock him over from behind as the Doctor hit a third against a wall a few times. When they were certain that they wouldn't move anymore, they beckoned EJ and Lynda to leave with them.

They grabbed what they needed from the confiscation pile, EJ taking back his possessions and stuffing them in his pockets. The Doctor took his sonic, and Lynda a necklace, but Jack took the biggest gun he could find, and as many rounds of ammo as possible. He gave it to the Doctor as they approached the lift. There was only one destination in mind.

Floor 500.

Now, EJ didn't like lifts at the best of times. This much, you already understand. His father was a cruel man, and anything which reminded the boy of him often made him shake. Even in death, he couldn't escape Scott Thompson. It was almost a testament to his work ethic.

     Though he refused to admit it, he thought about his father often. Whenever he thought about his siblings, he thought about his father, because they were forever linked. He couldn't have Grace, or Tate, or Isaac without Scott. It wasn't fair, but it was the truth.

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