9 : A Human Body

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𝔖𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔢 𝔉𝔦𝔳𝔢
𝔜𝔢𝔞𝔯 200,000

There was nothing as beautiful or as fragile as human life. It was something that the whole universe seemed to understand. Human life, as wonderful and expansive as it was, could never be perfect. However, there was no one who knew it better than EJ.

     He would have benefitted greatly from a lecture on how to navigate through life with minimal damage. Unfortunately, advice wasn't something that came free before birth. Otherwise, EJ would have been the wisest person alive. Retrospectively, he would've given anything to have even just the smallest amount of insight. It might have made all the difference.

     Despite this, it wasn't something he tried to think about. The further away the thoughts were from his mind, the better. It would only ruin everything else.

     The Tardis landed some time after they decided to take Adam with them for his first trip. He was excited: there was a look in his eyes which exhibited all of the physical signs. He showed it, but EJ felt it.

     To say that the Thompson boy was bitter wasn't wrong, but he would stray from the subject wherever he could. It was another thing worth avoiding. He'd barely started travelling with the Doctor and Rose, and now, he was already being replaced. For once he had hoped that this was a place for him, that this was place where he belonged. Perhaps not.

     He was the first to step out of the doors, wanting nothing more to be anywhere else than in the Tardis. The air with the Doctor was clear, but uncomfortable, and Rose was slightly preoccupied with their new companion. It just felt right.

     The room was copper, and large. It all felt quite empty, like some sort of abandoned complex. The red tones made it seem hotter than it was, though still, it was like a furnace.

     Rose was quick behind him as the Doctor carried up the rear. It didn't matter which order they came out in, really, only that they left Adam behind for a moment. The blonde girl wanted to impress him greatly, and it was getting easier by the minute. It turned out that he had no capacity for space at all, and everything caused wonder. He was no better than a child.

     "So," The Doctor leant up against the Tardis door, scanning the surroundings for a moment. "It's 200,000, it's a spaceship... no, wait a minute, space station. And, uh, go try that gate over there." He encouraged. "Off you go!"

  Rose raised an eyebrow with a smile. "200,000?"

  With a matching grin, the Doctor agreed. "200,000."

  "This is more like it." EJ beamed as he looked around. This was the sort of moment he dreamed of. A real future. "This is actually the future."

  "Hey." He scolded, mockingly. "2012 is the future. Your future, anyway."

  "Yeah, fine," He scoffed. "But this is... a space station. A real space station... I drew these when I was younger."

  "Really?" Rose laughed. "I can imagine you, all small, with crayons or something..."

  "That's..." EJ held his tongue, shaking his head. He couldn't talked about this all day, but he wouldn't let it ruin what was going to be brilliant. He'd already convinced himself. "Yeah... blue was my favourite."

  She just smiled again before rapping his knuckles against Tardis door behind her head. "Adam! Out you come!"

Immediately as he stepped out, his dark eyes were lost on where to look. Though, they seemed to settle somewhere near the ceiling, as he realised just how tall the floor of the station really was. Adam's reaction would be one to remember, he expected, and so he would probably willingly forget.

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