37 : Parallels

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𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔫, 𝔈𝔫𝔤𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡, 𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔩 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔉𝔢𝔟𝔯𝔲𝔞𝔯𝔶 2006

Quite often, when they were travelling, it was easy for to forget about real life. The Tardis was an all-consuming thing. Though, there was only one things which could bring EJ back, and that was Josh. Whenever he phoned, it was like something new had been ignited, and EJ knew exactly where he was. It left him feeling happier, and knowing that he would go back and see Josh eventually, made everything else fall into place.

     This time, EJ found himself a little sadder, and missing home a little more than usual. He was more than content to lay in the beams, sketching in his journal, just listening to the others talk.

     The Doctor and Rose were sat on the sofa together and Mickey was by the console. He tried not to watch them too intently, otherwise, he would want to join them. Though, that couldn't have been such a bad thing.

     "And that weird munchkin lady with the big eyes!" The Doctor exclaimed as he leant back, chuckling to himself. "D'you remember the way she looked at you? And then she opens her mouth and fire comes out!"

  Rose burst out into complete laughter. "I thought I was gonna get frazzled!"

  "Yeah, one minute she's standing there, the next minute, roar!"

  Even EJ couldn't help but laugh along with them, leaning his head back. Though, Mickey raised an eyebrow, confused. He wasn't there. "Where was that, then? What happened?"

  "Oh, I was on this... um..." Suddenly, the Doctor lost part of his enthusiasm, pulling at his ear. "Uh... this... planet thing, asteroid. It's a long story, you had to be there. Um... what are you doing that for?"

  It had taken them a while to see that Mickey was pressing a button in on the console. "Cos you told me to."

  "When was that?" The Doctor asked, absently, and EJ had to bite his lip.

  "About half an hour ago."

  There was a vaguely amused look on his face, and when his gaze met the Thompson boy, he cleared his throat. "Um... you can let go now."

  It was when Rose began to chuckle into her shirt that Mickey understood what was happening. "Well, how longs it been since I could've stopped?"

"Ten minutes. Twenty... Twenty nine."

Maybe rightly so, Mickey exclaimed. "You just forgot me!"

"No, no, no, I was just... I was..." The Doctor cleared his throat, obviously blagging his way through the conversation. "I was calibrating. I was just... no, I know exactly what I'm doing."

It was like the Tardis understood timing, because this was perfect. The centre console exploded into a flash of light, sparks flying everywhere. It shook violently, and in its fury, EJ fell from the balcony. His back ached, but he could hardly think about it, he just needed a moment to lie down.

     Quickly, EJ knew he couldn't stay there, not if something was going to fall. He needed to protect himself, so he leaped for the console, gripping it tightly. The others seemed to have the same idea.

     Rose gasped, breathless. "What's happened?"

  "The Time Vortex, it's gone." The Doctor's eyes widened as he fumbled, reaching for the right lever. "That's impossible, it's just gone!"

  "What do you mean it's gone?" EJ called from the opposite side of the console. "How can it be gone?"

  "I don't know... brace yourself! We're gonna crash!"

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