69 : Forward Motion

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𝔐𝔞𝔫𝔥𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔞𝔫, 𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔜𝔬𝔯𝔨, 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔑𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 1930

EJ was unsure which he found more horrific: the laboratory, or the Dalek-Human hybrid. Both were disturbing, and because each were haunting in their own disgusting way, he could hardy decide.

He could hardly take his eyes off the creature, in all of its hideousness. He knew that the Doctor would tell him off for saying such a thing, but he had no choice. It had completely consumed the human part of Mr Diagoras, leaving a cycloptic variant in his stead. The skin was wrinkled, almost old looking.

EJ was trying to avert his eyes, but they kept being drawn back into place. It was like a magnet.

The hybrid lifted a pointed finger at them as it spoke, voice in a permanent sort of whisper. "These humans... will become like me. Prepare them for hybridisation."

Suddenly, EJ regretted his decision to join the Doctor. He could have stayed with Tallulah and escaped through the sewer tunnels, but instead he stayed, and he would be converted if the Doctor didn't come up with something in time. Whilst the hybrid was distracted, something caught the Doctor's eye, and he stepped away leaving EJ with Martha and Frank. Before he could even contemplate following, the pig slaves had surrounded them.

Two hooved hands secured themselves around EJ's body and he froze. It was unlike him not to thrash out, but he was scared of the Daleks, and they had turned to face their prisoners. Martha, on the other hand, was screaming louder than he had ever heard.

"Leave me alone!" She protested: there was two pig slaves on her. "Don't you dare!"

It must have inspired something in EJ as he spat in the face of the pig slave assigned to him, gritting his teeth. "Get the fuck off me!"

When it didn't budge, EJ realised his effort was wasted. Instead, he tapped his feet, and looked around, in hope that the Doctor would make himself known soon. In truth, EJ was shocked he wasn't noticed by the Daleks by now. This was their fourth meeting and they had yet to care for him, perhaps because of the company he kept being more interesting.

Frank was alone, near the back. There was only one pig on him too. It seemed like they weren't registered as flight risks, which was entirely miscalculated. If there was ever a flight risk, ever, in the history of human kind, then it was EJ Thompson. He had more to run from than anyone.

Though, when some jazz music drifted through the air, EJ knew that the Doctor had something to do with it, and that he would be alright. There was no need to be so antsy. It stopped all movement, as they waited for him, like a cue.

The hybrid was unimpressed. "What is that sound?"

The Doctor poked his head out from behind one of the partitions, a small, red radio in his hands. He seemed amused. "Ah, well, now, that would be me. Hello. Surprise!" He set the radio down, though he kept the music playing. "Boo! Etcetera."

"Doctor?" The hybrid was almost confused by the sight of him.

The other Daleks were not. "The enemy of the Daleks!"


"Wait!" The hybrid commanded, and EJ's eyes widened. His head cocked to the side... it was curious, the hybrid was curious about the Doctor.

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