67 : Can't Complain

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𝔐𝔞𝔫𝔥𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔞𝔫, 𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔜𝔬𝔯𝔨, 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔑𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 1930

The detour with Martha had extended once more, not that EJ minded. Whilst she rambled about Gallifrey with the Doctor, most of which the Thompson boy had heard before, he was able to change into something else. It had felt like days since he'd worn different clothes, and it was disgusting.

     His room was warm, like the Tardis had known he needed the comfort from it, his skin freezing like ice. Even his shirts, inside of the drawers, were warmed through... she was taking care of him. EJ chose a timeless look, so that he wouldn't look out of place wherever they turned up next, although, he always felt a little bit stupid when he dressed up and no one else did.

     The Doctor only wore two suits interchangeably, and even then, it was with only a few tie and shirt combinations. Martha brought no clothes with her, nor did she ask to wear anything else... EJ would have recommended at least a shower, but they hadn't the time to stop. Though, EJ did before putting on a new shirt, dress trousers, and a suit jacket.

     When he emerged, hair dark and wet, slicked back, a singular strand hanging forwards, both sets of eyes were on him, barely paying attention to the fact that they'd just landed. A grin spread up his face. He knew that he looked good. They knew it too, which made it all the more enjoyable. 

     Perhaps knowing that she was staring, Martha made her way for the Tardis door, being the first to step outside. The Doctor's gaze did linger for a moment or two, drinking in EJ's body, before moving to follow the Jones girl. The Thompson boy followed too, but much more reluctantly. What he would do for a short break was inexplicable.

"Love the blue, by the way." EJ remarked, teasingly, placing a swift kiss onto the Doctor's neck. "And that tie."

"Oi," He retaliated, just as softly. "You'll get yourself into trouble with all this flirting."

  "Then I'll get in trouble." The Thompson boy said, in complete seriousness. "It might be fun."

  "Where are we?"

     His gaze shifted to Martha, standing amongst the greenery, grinning. It was inviting, and coaxed him from the comfort of the Tardis to stand by her. Truly, EJ could say that he adored every place that he had been with the Doctor, and he was getting rather good at telling whether they were on Earth or not.

     "Ahh, smell that Atlantic breeze!" The Doctor beamed from ear to ear. "Nice and cold, lovely!"

  "Wicked." EJ mimicked the look on the Time Lord's face as he turned around to see the Statue of Liberty directly behind them. It was... incredible.

  "Martha, have you met my friend?"

  "Is that...?" The sheer surprise on her face was worth it all, and truly, it was a gorgeous sight. If nothing more in life, then this was a milestone many wanted to complete. "Oh my God, that's the Statue of Liberty!"

  "Impressive, you have eyes." EJ remarked, sharply, though there was a distinct playfulness to the way he spoke. "I always thought there must have been some way you managed to do everything so well."

  "Hush, you." The Doctor patted his shoulder, squeezing it gently, lingering. "Gateway to the New World. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

  "That's so brilliant. I've always wanted to go to New York!" She exclaimed with glee. "I mean, the real New York, not the New New New New New one."

  He turned to the city itself next, as if to present it. "Well, there's the genuine article. So good they named it twice. Mind you, it was New Amsterdam. Harder to say twice- no wonder it didn't catch on... New Amsterdam, New Amsterdam."

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