8 : If You Can't Beat Them

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𝔘𝔱𝔞𝔥, 𝔘𝔫𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔰, 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔍𝔲𝔩𝔶 2012

Relief was not something that EJ was confidently able to say he had a positive experience with. Usually, it came with the knowledge that whatever hardships had occurred were over and never coming back. He had never been so lucky. Even now, and saved by the Doctor, relief was something he was extremely conscience of.

After the Dalek, they decided that there was no reason for them to hang about. Van Statten was going to be treated according to his actions, which was enough for them to leave without any extra guilt.

The Doctor lead them back to the exhibit room where the Tardis had landed, Rose and EJ arm in arm with small smiles on their lips. Perhaps now wasn't the time, but it didn't matter so much. They were happy to be alive, and they were happy to have their little dysfunctional group back together. It was always a pleasure to make new friends, and after as harrowing an experience as that, EJ could we positively say that he and Rose were friends.

     He knew already that, should the occasion arise, Soren and Taylor would adore her completely. She was exactly the type of person they mooned over in high school. It had, of course, been a hilarious thing to watch as he and Angel sat back and laughed as they flailed their undesirable qualities.

     As they stepped towards the Tardis, the Doctor looked rather melancholy and run down. He supposed that it was the Dalek's fault: it had brought back far too many memories he was trying to forget. EJ understood. Everyone had dirty laundry that didn't deserve to be aired in front of strangers.

     "Little piece of home." He muttered, softly, as he touched its wooden edge. "Better than nothing."

  "Is that the end of it?" Rose asked, cluelessly. "The Time War?"

  "I'm the only one left." The Doctor shrugged, shaking his head."I win. How about that?"

  "The Dalek survived." She attempted to give him some shred of hope, though he wasn't certain about anything she said. "Maybe some of your people did too."

  He clicked his tongue. "I'd know."

Rather skeptically, the blonde boy shrugged. "Would you?"

"In here." He tapped the side of his temple, like a madman would. "Feels like there's no one."

  "Well then," Rose smiled to him softly. "Good thing we're not going anywhere."


EJ scrunched his face slightly. "Except in the Tardis."

"That's not funny." Rose blanked, shaking her head mockingly. "You're so not funny."

"I'm hilarious." He bumped her side with his hip. "You don't appreciate me."

"We better get out!" The brunette boy who had abandoned Rose ran towards them, slightly panicked. EJ tensed at the sight of him. "Van Statten's disappeared. They're closing down the base. Goddard says they're going to fill it with cement, like it never existed!"

The girl sighed. "About time."

"Shame." The Thompson boy huffed. "Some of this shit is cool."

  "I'll have to go back home."

  "Better hurry up then." The Doctor urged, unimpressed. "Next flight to Heathrow leaves at... 1500 hours."

  Rose swung on her heels slightly, placing on of his hands on the boys shoulder. "Adam was saying that, all his life, he wanted to see the stars."

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