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Kang Haerin went to one of the top private High Schools in South Korea.

She was smart, pretty, and nice... but most people stayed away from her. She had this habit of staring at people but never really talking.

Even when she did talk, she'd say some odd things.

- Y/N POV -

"Do you want your binder back, Freak?" Jay mocked Kang Haerin-ssi as he dangled her binder over head.

This was a normal sight.

Everyday after school, Jay and his four friends would harass the weird kid of the school.

I was passing by them, ignoring the norm of it, when Sunghoon suddenly pulled me.

"Captain, I heard practice is canceled today. Is that true?" He asked.

I nodded at him as I watched Haerin-ssi attempt to get her binder back.

I kept staring at Haerin-ssi, I was about to help her reach the binder Jay was holding up when Sunghoon held me back.

"How about we get some beers and smoke outside the school?" He asked as he held a tight grip to my uniform.

I gave him a cold glare and he quickly let go off me. I shook my head in disappointment at the disrespect and then walked away.

I made my way home but picked up some noodles on the way home for me and my brother

"I'm home!" I announced as I got home.

"Finallllyyyy!" Brother Yoongi yelled as he walked to the front door to greet me.

Me and my brother lived alone.... we lost our parents when I was 10. They were in a car accident on a rainy day.

"So, how was your day?" Yoongi asked as we ate our dinner.

"Boring. There was no practice because of the rain so it was boring," I answered him.

"Mhhmmm," he hummed out.

Brother Yoongi had been the captain of the basketball team during his time in school so he expects a lot from me.

After dinner, I took a bath and headed to bed.

I was happy that the week was going by fast, Until Thursday came around. I was paired in a partner project with Kang Haerin..... which practically meant that I would be doing all the work.

Thursday afternoon was a heavy training day. Coach wasn't happy that the rain had made some players lazy.

After practice, I walked to my locker and grabbed a fresh new pair of socks. During rainy days.... I always brought extra. I spent so much time daydreaming while walking that at times I'd step over big puddles.

I headed to the main entrance of the school to leave... when I noticed someone standing at the doors.... just staring at the rain.

I walked up next to the person and noticed it was Kang Haerin-ssi. She didn't seemed to have an umbrella with her.

I opened my umbrella and lifted it over her head. "가자! (Kaja/Let's go!)" I told her.

Haerin-ssi seemed to take a few moments before taking her first step. I made sure to synch up with her walking.

We walked side by side as I held the umbrella over Kang Haerin-ssi.

The umbrella was mostly for her.... my left shoulder was soaken wet. Haerin-ssi seemed to freak out even if a single drop of water landed on her... so I pretty much was just surrendering my umbrella to her.

SPECIAL - Haerin x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن