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It had been a month since Haerin was taken away from the people she loved.

Her aunt still treated her poorly and watched her like a hawk.

Haerin had just accepted that this was how things would be from now on... so, she always did as her aunt asked.

- Haerin POV -

Auntie had taken away my phone as soon as we got to her new house. She had also enrolled me in a new school.... which sucked because I found out Jay-ssi had gotten transferred into that school too for fighting.

Ever since I transferred to my new school, Jay-ssi has gone back to harassing me and constantly trying to ask me out.

"Are you stupid?! Can't you see I like you?!" Jay-ssi yelled at me while I tried to ignore his existence.

Jay-ssi continued to follow me for the rest of lunch.

"I feel ashamed liking an autistic person but if I don't love you then who will?!" He yelled like he does every day.

I had enough of his disrespectful actions and stopped in my tracks. I turned to look at him then coldly said.... "Y/n-ssi will."

I then turned back around and continued on my way.

Being away from Y/n-ssi was the hardest thing I ever had to do.... but luckily I had learned a lot from watching Y/n-ssi defend me.

I wasn't going to let Jay-ssi keep disrespecting me or act as if his affection for me was the only affection I could obtain.

After school, my aunt picked me up... like she did every day. Mr. Park, The Principal at my new school, joined us too. He and Auntie were dating.

I had dinner with my aunt and Mr. Park then went up to my room.

It was hard to adjust to Auntie's new house and a new city.

Every time, I got lost or scared... I had to call my aunt. It sucked.... she wasn't very helpful or comforting.

The rest of the week went by as usual. Until Friday came around and Jay-ssi was back to harassing me.

"Come on, I'll pick you up and everything!" Jay-ssi kept whining.

"No," I said for the 5th time.

"It's a house party come on! You can't be that lame," Jay-ssi kept insisting.

"I don't want to go to a party with you or with anyone!" I yelled, getting all frustrated.

I began to walk away until he yelled, "Everyone I know is gonna be there!"

"Everyone?" I thought to myself.... feeling hopeful that Y/n-ssi might go.

I turned back around and walked up to him. "Give me the address and I'll think about it," I told him.

Jay-ssi wrote down his address for me and then gave me a kiss on the cheek. He seemed really excited.

I sighed and looked at the address.

The address was in my old town.

"Even if Y/n-ssi isn't at the party then I will at least be near them," I thought to myself.

After school, Auntie picked me and Mr. Park up, we all ate dinner, and I went up to my room to figure out how to escape the house so I could go to the party.

I packed my backpack with some clothes, an umbrella, and a jacket just in case.

Suddenly, I heard the scream I had been hearing almost every weekend.

"Aahh, Fucckk me! Yes, Harder!!" I heard Auntie yell.

"Eww!" I thought to myself.

"Wait, they're busy! I should go right now!" I squealed to myself.

I grabbed my wallet and my backpack. I then ran quietly down the stairs, put on my shoes, and ran out of the house.






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