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After the super market incident, Haerin-ssi was super sensitive and paranoid.

It was understandable.

Y/n on the other hand was struggling with nightmares and having a hard time in general.... but Y/n-ssi didn't wanna worry anyone so they just kept it to themselves.

- Y/N POV -

Weeks had passed after the market incident and I couldn't get an ounce of sleep. I couldn't regulate my emotions or get myself to feel anything genuine.

I felt so morose....

Dead even.

But I couldn't bring myself to worry anyone so I forced myself to smile, I forced myself to eat, I forced myself to workout, I forced myself to do my best in school, and I forced myself to be the perfect dongsaeng and partner.

It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life.

"Congratulations on having the top test scores this semester," My professor congratulated me.

"Thanks," I simply answered.

"Are you alright?" The professor followed up.

I gave them a polite bow and said, "I'll be going now."

After, I made my way to pick up Haerin from school.

As always.... I felt so untethered. As I stared at front gates of the high school, I asked myself how I even got there.

I couldn't remember actually walking the whole way.

I sorta had just arrived.

I let out a painful sigh and then put on my best fake smile before walking into the school campus.

I walked through the halls.... until... I found Haerin-ssi speaking with Haruto.

I didn't think much of it. I just sorta shrugged it off and walked over to them. That's until... I heard Haruto tell Haerin.... "come on, just one date. I promise I can treat you better than Y/n-ssi."

"No! I've told you more than once that I love Y/n-ssi  and that I will never betray them. It is completely inappropriate of you to continue asking me when I've said no already!" Haerin angrily responded.

I cleared my throat to make my presence known.

Haruto turned to look at me and I snapped.

"Dare ask my girlfriend out?" I asked with boiling blood.

"I figured you were too busy cheating at University to take care of her. Specially after what happened at the super market," Haruto smugly replied.

I immediately pounced on him and laid my fist to his face as many times as I could.

I knew my reaction wasn't okay and it wasn't something Haerin-ssi should be witnessing.

It was almost as if I was taking out all my worries and frustrations on Haruto. Beating the fuck out of him because I couldn't figure how I felt myself.

"YAHHH!!!" A yell echoed through the halls.

It was Minji-ssi.

"I fucking hate you!" I screamed at Haruto as I put my full strength to each punch.

Suddenly, I had 5 girls tackling me to the floor. Including Haerin.... but I hadn't noticed until a dog came on top of me to lick my face.

I had forgotten that we had gotten permission from the school for Haerin to bring Bangle to school as her service dog.

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