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Saying that either Karina or Haerin had gotten any sleep was an understatement. Both had stayed up just sitting on the sofa and watching movies.

Karina kept playing movies Y/n-ssi liked. It was to see if Haerin viewed the movies in a similar way as Y/n.

It was hard for Karina to read Haerin but after a couple of hours, she had picked up on Haerin's patterns.

- Karina POV -

"You know that part in "Soul" where the souls get assigned personalities?" I asked Haerin.

Haerin just tiredly nodded.

"I wonder what personality Y/n-ah got?" I tried to joke.

Haerin-ah giggled for a bit then suddenly laid her head on my leg.

I was surprised but it made sense. We had been up for hours.... obviously the both of us were just worrying about Y/n-ah the whole night.

"I think Y/n-ssi got a good personality. A loving one," Haerin suddenly mumbled.

I had picked up on the fact that Haerin loved to talked about Y/n-ah.... even when she was tired and should be sleeping.... all she wanted to do talk about movies and Y/n-ah.

"Yeah," I whispered as I ran my fingers through her hair.

Haerin suddenly began to moan and make comfort sounds.

"Mom," she mumbled in her sleep.

"Huh?" I thought to myself.

"I got her!" I heard a corse voice suddenly speak up.

I jolted a bit and realized it was just Y/n-ah dragging their cast across the house.

"It's okay," I whispered.

"I don't trust you with my girlfriend for so long," Y/n suddenly coldly spoke.

I furrowed my brows.

"I appreciate what you did but that doesn't give you access to the most important person in my life. Even if you're my best friend...," Y/n-ah angrily spoke..... almost whispering the last part.

"She's fine. I'm not going to hurt your little angel. She's just resting after a really long movie marathon," I sassed a bit.

I then picked up Haerin in my arms and carried her to Y/n's rooms.

"Why would she watch movies with you?" Y/n asked in confusion as they dragged their cast behind me. 

"Maybe we were bonding," I rolled my eyes as I laid the little baby on the bed.

"What? Okayyy!" Y/n-ah began to laughed loudly.

"Shusshh! Shut up!" I put my finger up to Y/n's lips.

- Y/N POV -

I was really confused as to what was going on.

Karina was nice but this was beyond imaginable for me.

"Let Haerin sleep and stop complaining!" Karina suddenly dragged me out my room by my ear.

"Oowww!!" I exclaimed.

Suddenly, a car alarm started to go off and I ducked to hold my ears closed.

Karina ran to the window to see what was going on and waved at me that it was okay.

"It's just Oppa. He's getting something from his car!" Karina informed me.

I sighed of relief and let my ears go.

Rina-ya suddenly walked up to me and check my ears.

"I have told you to get tested!" Karina nagged.

"I have!" I angrily replied.

"Dislexia doesn't cause oversensity. You should get properly tested," Karina said a bit more calmly.

"I have," I answered a bit a upset.

"It was inconclusive," I whispered.

"Again?" Karina mumbled.

It had been the 3rd time I got tested for various psychological and developmental conditions.

PTSD, Anxiety, and Major depression were always a constant in each test.... but ummm.... Autism was always inconclusive.

"It's fine. I can obviously function," I mumbled back.

Karina had been worried about me since we started dating. Although back then she wasn't as blunt about getting tested for the way I behaved as she is now.

"I know, it's just that if you're ears hurt and your overly sensitive about being touched. It's just worrisome," Rina explained.

"I know, I'll be fine" I answered her.

"Besides, once school starts I'll get tested again. It'll be fine," I tried to assure her.

"Oh yeah, I'll be attending the same Uni as you as you!" Karina suddenly exclaimed.

"Nice!" I raised my hand for a high five.

"Unnie?" I suddenly heard a familiar voice whisper.

It was Froggy.

"Oh, you're up again. What's wrong, Hae?" Karina asked Haerin-ah with a pat to her head.

"It colds and the bed is empty," Haerin shyly answered her.

"Unnie?" I kept on thinking to myself.

"What's up with these two?" I wondered.

Suddenly, Karina abruptly pulled me and said... "Y/n-ah will got back to bed to soon. They'll keep you warm!"

"Wtf?!" I thought to myself as Karina pushed me and Haerin back into my bedroom.








Author's Note: I actually recently learned that my little sister is level 1 autistic ._.

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