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Haerin-ssi and Y/n-ah spent a lot of time trying to make things up to each other for the break up misunderstanding.

While Haerin gave y/n-ssi all the kisses they had wanted throughout the week, while Y/n gave Haerin-ssi all the attention she had been craving all week.

They spent so much time together that weekend that it was like they were clued by the hips.

- Y/N POV -

Haerin-ssi and I had spent all of Saturday on her bed. We had been kissing and hugging the whole time.

I was lucky that Haerin was comfortable enough with me to actually enjoy my hugs.

As for the kissing....

Haerin had developed a funny way of kissing.

She didn't like how regular kissing felt. She said it felt like we were smashing our faces together. She didn't seem to feel what most people felt when they kissed.

Haerin had explained to me that the uncomfortable feeling she felt while kissing wasn't like a nervousness or that tingly feeling you get all over your body from the excitement of kissing someone. To her, it felt more like a social pressure.... like she had to kiss me because it's what couples do.

"Ooww, ooww, okay don't bite me!" I told Haerin as she began to bite my lip.

Haerin pulled away and blushed as she looked at my lips.

Haerin developed this funny habit of sucking on my bottom lip, it was like her own form of kissing. The sucking sensation was something she more familiar with.

I didn't mind it as long as Haerin-ssi felt comfortable.

I knew Haerin was done kissing or staring to feel uncomfortable, when she started to bite my lips.

"Can I get another one?" Haerin-ssi asked as she pouted.

"Mhm," I hummed out as I leaned in to kiss her again.

Over the weekend, kissing had become one of Haerin's favorite things. As long as I didn't touch her while she sucked on my lip... then Haerin would keep her lips on mine for as long as she could.

Haerin sucking on my lips was making me want to make out with her. Up until now, I had restrained pretty good.... until I cupped her face to properly kiss her.

I slid my tongue in her mouth and she quickly pushed me off.

"I don't like that!" She cutely whined out.

I chuckled a bit at her cute reaction then said, "I'm sorry, you're just so pretty that I couldn't help myself."

Haerin-ssi began to blush and I giggled at how adorable she looked.

"Can we go get some ice cream?" Haerin suddenly pouted at me.

"Mhm, let's go get ice cream!" I cooed at her.

We then put on our jackets and our shoes before walking put the door to go to the market down the street.

"Can I get a kiss?" Haerin-ssi suddenly requested.

I thought about it for a second and figured that a little peck on the lips wouldn't be too bad for a public setting.

I leaned down to peck Haerin's lips but before I could pull away, she managed to catch my lower lip and began to suck on it. I could feel the stares of all the people passing us by.

I tried to pull to pull away but Haerin refused to let go of my lip. Eventually, she began to bite my lip and luckily let go without having to be asked.

I took a deep breath trying not scold Haerin. I then leaned in to whisper into her ear, "It's inappropriate to do that in public."

I could see Haerin's smile start to fade and my heart broke a little.

We ended up buy ice cream in silence the rest of the time.

I had never really felt the need to tell Haerin-ssi what was appropriate behavior and what wasn't. She usually knew right from wrong and even if she didn't.... she just stayed still and quiet to not come off as weird.

"I'm sorry," Haerin mumbled out as we walked back home.

I stopped in my tracks then turned to look at her. Haerin stopped to look at me too and I said, "It has nothing to do with me not liking your kisses. It's just that long kisses like that are something you do in private.... like at home or in our room."

Haerin nodded to let me know she understood. I then continued to keep walking home with Haerin following right behind me.

"Can we long kiss when we get home?" Haerin suddenly asked.

My heart fluttered at her request and smiled at her. "Yes, of course" I answered her.

- Haerin POV -

When we got back home, I was really excited to eat my ice cream but I was even more excited to get to kiss y/n-ssi again.

We went into our room and sat together on the sofa in our room. We started to eat our icreams when I suddenly got the big urge to kiss Y/n-ssi.

I couldn't help myself, so I abruptly pressed my lips on y/n's and began to suck on their bottom lip.

I was really thankful that y/n-ah compromised with me and let me find my own enjoyable way to kiss.

Kissing felt really good with y/n-ssi. It filled my abdomen with a warm and new sensation, the more I sucked on y/n's lip... the more excited I got.... which caused me to bite y/n's lip.

"Umm, baby... I still have ice cream in my mouth" Y/n mumbled out making me pull away.

Y/n-ssi gave me a cute eye smile before swallowing their ice cream.

Y/n-ah then cupped my face and pressed their lower lip into my mouth.

The cute gesture made me smile against Y/n's lips and I began to nibble on it.









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