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Haerin and Y/n were having a lot of fun at the museum. They had gone into the rainforest dome at least 5 times.

Even though it scared the living hell out of the both of them... because of the rainforest sound effects and slight drizzle... Haerin and Y/n both enjoyed the dome a lot.

"Can we go again?" Haerin asked Y/n just as they exited the dome.

"Yes, but we have to eat lunch first. I don't want you to forget to eat because you're all excited about the frog," Y/n answered.

"Okay!" Haerin cutely responded.

- Haerin POV -

I was having so much fun with Y/n-ssi at the museum.

There were so many things to do and explore and they had new exhibitions we didn't see before.

"Did you have fun?" Y/n-ssi asked as we walked around the museum gift shop.

"Mhm, I missed spending time with you!" I responded with a huge smile on my face.

I was really happy because Y/n-ssi had offered to buy me a new fluffy frog buddy.... my only dilemma was that I wanted to grab all of them.

"How about just pick the one that catches your eyes the most right now and next time we come you can get a different one?" Y/n-ssi suggested.

It made my heart race to hear Y/n-ssi say they would bring me to the museum again.

I think the museum was the only place I didn't feel uncomfortable having a date at.

The zoo was too loud and I didn't like the way sometimes people look at me at restaurants.

"Okay!!" I answered as I quickly made my choice.

I grabbed the cutest frog I could find and Y/n-ssi picked out a dinosaur for their collection. We then headed home.

"Did you have fun?" I asked Y/n as we rode on the train.

"Yes, baby. I had a lot of fun!" Y/n-ssi cutely replied.

Soon enough, we got off the train and walked home hand in hand.

- Minji POV -

It wasn't hard to see who Y/n-ah had left me for at the party. As soon as I caught sight of the ear warmers on the person's head, I knew it was Haerin.

So, I decided to leave the party.... before my heart could break even more.

I had let my guard down too much.

Y/n and I had become much closer and things between us had started to get tense. You could almost feel the unspoken tension between us.... but as always... things didn't go my way.

"You alright?" Mother asked as I ran into the house, trying not to let her see me cry.

"Yeah, I'm just really tired! Goodnight!" I responded as I ran up to my room.

I spent the rest of the night being mad at myself for refusing to let go of Y/n.

The next morning, I spent the whole time contemplating if I should call up Y/n-ah and check what happened with Haerin.

Of course, Haerin was still a worry for everyone and a big priority for Y/n so I wanted to check up on them.

I opted to not call that morning but as the day went by I became more and more concerned over the two.

I was concerned about Haerin because she had literally gone missing for over a month and then I was concerned about Y/n because they had become so obsessed with find Haerin that they weren't sleeping or eating well. It was only a matter of thing before things got to Y/n.

Eventually, I decided to put my pride aside.

I grabbed my jacket and put on my shoes then headed down to Y/n's.

As I walked up to Y/n's house, I kept thinking to myself.... "Maybe I shouldn't do this"..... "I should give them time to catch up"..... that's noticed until I noticed Haerin and Y/n-ah walking down the street.

Y/n didn't look so good.

Y/n didn't look good at all.

Y/n-ah was dragging their feet and seemed to be struggling to hold their head up.

Meanwhile, Haerin-ah was all happy and smiley. It didn't seem like she could tell that Y/n probably wasn't feeling well.


Y/n collapsed.






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