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Over the next few weeks, Y/n had started to forget simple things...

Like how to get home or what university they attended.

The doctor had advice Y/n to stop boxing because it could make their head injury worse.

But Y/n didn't listen.

Boxing seemed to be the only thing to calm Y/n down.

- Y/N POV -

"Wish you hadn't taken me to that stupid hospital," I whispered to myself as I did my homework on the dining table.

"It was either that or letting you die," someone suddenly said from behind me.

It was Yoongi.

"You're lucky you're even alive. The doctors may have made a mistake but at least you're not dead," Yoongi coldly told me.

Yoongi was mad at me because I refused to stop boxing.

It was the only way I could let my anger out about the whole situation.

"I told Haerin about yesterday," Yoongi suddenly shared.

"I wish you'd stop worrying her. She already wants to terminate her contract from how worried she is," I coldly answered him as I started to pack my things.

The day before, I had gotten lost on my way home from the gym.

I had momentarily forgotten where I had come from too... so I couldn't even return to the gym for help...

I was just lost.

"I want her to be prepared. It's not like there's anything any of us can do anyway," Yoongi coldly responded.

I didn't even bother to answer him.

I grabbed my things and headed to the gym.

On my way to the gym I realized that I didn't remember anything about my childhood anymore.

Though... I guess that's normal as you get older.

When I arrived at the gym, I got a call....

"Kitty Kang"

The Caller ID read with a picture.

My mind drew a blank

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My mind drew a blank....

But I picked up the call anyway.

"Yeoboseyo?" I answered the phone.

"Don't get lost on your way home from the gym again," The person on the other line told me.

"Umm... okay," I awkwardly responded.

I couldn't really remember who the girl on the phone was.

"Baby, I'm being serious. If you can't remember your way home then call Oppa," Haerin said on the other line.

My heart sank to my stomach when I realized who was on the phone.

I couldn't believe that I had just forgotten who Haerin was.

"I won't, baby. I promise," I answered to try to reassure her that I'd be okay.

"I should be home in two weeks so don't forget me until I get back, okay?" Haerin whispered over the phone.

I felt my heart ache at those words.

"I won't," I responded before hanging up.

I stared at the picture on my phone for a bit before storming out the gym and running back home.

"What's the matter with you?!" Yoongi yelled as I ran into the house.

I walked into my room and cleared my cork board of everything it had on it. I gather all of my pictures with Haerin, all our notes from school, everything I could think of.

I wrote down in marker everything I needed to know about her. Her birthday, her blood type, her zodiac sign, her hair color, where on the spectrum she was, her mbti, just everything.

I wrote down about our 6 year promise and about when I first remembered seeing her in the hospital.

I put everything up where I could see it as soon as I woke up.

I didn't want to ever forget anything about Haerin again.

"Okay, I promise. I won't forget you again," I whispered to myself as I looked at the picture of Haerin in my wallet.

- Haerin POV -

While I was getting my hair done, I decided to check up on Y/n.

I checked their location first to make sure Y/n wasn't just wondering about the city all lost again.

I noticed they were at the gym and decided to call to make sure Y/n was okay.

Oppa had told me that Y/n got lost going home from the gym. I was hoping that wouldn't happen twice. If Y/n can get to the gym then it shouldn't be hard to get back home.

We had a short phone call and I felt relieved that Y/n-ssi still remembered me.

"Newjeans final rehearsal in 10 minutes!!" The stage director yelled through our changing room.

I took a deep breath to keep it together.

By the time I got home from my scheduled activities, it would have been two months since I last saw Y/n.

That seemed like more than enough time for Y/n to forget most things.

So far, Y/n hadn't forgotten anything major but getting lost on the way home seemed like a sign that everything was about to get even worse.

"Are you ready?" Hanni unnie asked.

I nodded and placed my phone down.

The whole rehearsal was a blur to me.

All I could think about was Y/n.

"Just stay focus. We'll be back home soon," Dani unnie tried to comfort me when we returned to the changing room.

I nodded in response and grabbed my phone to listen to music while we waited.

"Wake up! It's our turn!" Someone suddenly shook me.

I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep.

"Come on, we have like 5 minutes!" Minji unnie yelled.

I scramble to get myself together when I suddenly realized what song was playing through my headphones.

I took my headphones off and but my earpiece back on before deciding to text Y/n-ssi.


I love you.
Please don't forget me yet.









Author's Note: Haerin is always so cute :(

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