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Haerin spent all day waiting for Y/n-ssi to come back home. She waited for so long that she ended up falling asleep by the front door.

Yoongi had been sleeping all day so he didn't even notice, so when Y/n-ssi got home.... they were a bit upset that their brother had let Haerin fall asleep on the floor.

"Always so stubborn," Y/n whispered to themselves as they picked up Haerin from the floor and carried her to bed.

Y/n then grabbed some clothes and took a shower.

"Oh you're home," Yoongi groggily said as he found Y/n drying their hair with a towel in the living room.

"Yeah," Y/n shortly responded.

"BTW, never let Haerin fall asleep on the floor again or I will beat your ass. I don't want her getting sick under our watch," Y/n-ssi angrily told their brother.

"What?" Yoongi replied.

"Just never mind, goodnight" Y/n tiredly responded.

Yoongi furrowed his eyes as he sipped on a cup of coffee, wondering what Y/n was doing.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Y/n responded as they got their blanket ready for bed.

"Are you gonna sleep on the couch or something?" Yoongi followed up.

"Yup," Y/n shortly responded.

"Why?!" Yoongi asked all confused.

"Me and Haerin broke up, so I'm letting her have the room" Y/n-ssi responded as they laid on the couch.

"What did you do?" Yoongi asked starting to get upset.

"Nothing, we just broke up" Y/n responded.

- Haerin POV -

When I woke up the next day, I was in bed. I looked over to Y/n's bed and Y/n wasn't in bed. I walked out to check out if they were on the sofa but they weren't there either.

"Y/n is at the gym," Yoongi oppa suddenly said from the kitchen.

"Did you two really break up?" Oppa asked.

"Mhm," I hummed.

"Why?" He asked in turn.

"I kissed someone else," I answered him.

Yoongi oppa lifted his head from his coffee cup and looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"And why did you do that?" He asked.

"I don't know," I answered him.

"No, no, no. You may struggle at times but you're smart. You know why you did it," Yoongi oppa angrily responded.

"So, why did you do it?" Oppa asked again.

I sighed and then took a deep breath before answering.... "Y/n-ssi isn't like Dani unnie. Dani unnie always compliments me and makes me feel secure about myself. With Y/n-ssi I always feel so scared... so worried... I think I kissed Dani unnie because it felt like she's always been there to make me feel loved."

Yoongi oppa took a deep breath and put his coffee mug down.

"You kissed someone else because you don't like the way Y/n loves you?" Oppa asked.

"No, I do. It's just that Dani unnie has always been there" I answered him.

Yoongi oppa seemed to get angry as our conversation went by.

"Haerin, Y/n hasn't always been there and they take a little longer than most to be a gushy romantic but in the few months, you two have been together... Y/n has sacrificed so much in such little time... just for you to feel happy and feel loved," Oppa began to angrily speak.

"Y/n invited you into our house so you wouldn't be alone. Y/n helped transfer your schools so you could be with your friends and they were forced to transfer too. Y/n almost gave up a championship fight just to take you on a school trip... for God's sake Frog, Y/n sat there watching those guys flirt with you during the football game without fucking complaining... and you want more? What more can my little Y/n do for you to realize that Y/n would do anything to make you happy!!" Yoongi oppa started to raise his voice at me.

He then took a deep breath and started to calm down.

"Look, I can't say anything because it's not my relationship but if you do want to be with Danielle then can you do me the favor of not bringing her around the house anymore? I don't want Y/n getting hurt over and over again when she comes around," Oppa told me.

"I don't want to be with Dani unnie," I angrily responded.

"What?! Then why did you two break up?" Oppa asked all frustrated.

"Y/n-ssi broke up with me. I didn't even get to explain myself," I responded.

Oppa seemed very upset. He was rubbing his forehead and breathing heavily.

"I don't blame them," Oppa whispered to himself.

"Can you just tell me how to get Y/n back?" I asked a bit embarrassed.

"No, no. Figure it out yourself!" Oppa said angrily.

"Please? Oppa, please? I need your help," I cried out.

I was doing my best not to cry at Yoongi oppa being angry at me. I knew it was okay for him to be mad too.

Y/n-ssi is their dongsaeng and Yoongi oppa loves Y/n more than anyone.... I deserved getting yelled at by him.

Oppa sighed.

"If you really want my dongsaeng back, I suggest you figure out how much you actually love them. Y/n would be willing to give you anything you want in the world, give up their dreams for you.... I've never seen Y/n love someone like this... not even me. So, if you aren't willing to make any sacrifices for my dongsaeng, just like they would, then I suggest you just leave Y/n alone," Oppa responded.

He then poured himself another cup of coffee and went to his room.

"But I do make sacrifices," I whispered to myself as I watched him walk away.

It was true... I don't make sacrifices.

I put myself in uncomfortable situations just to be there for Y/n-ssi.

I go to their games and fights, even though my ears painfully ring the whole time. I let Y/n go to the gym and hang out with their friends without bothering them even though I'm scared as hell of everything when Y/n is not around. when I'm not around them. I even ran into the rain to make sure Y/n-ssi was okay.

"What more can I do?"










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