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Minji and Haerin managed to drag Y/n-ssi into the house.

"Woah wtf happened?!' Yoongi yelled as they walked in.

"I don't know!!" Minji yelled in frustration.

"What do you mean you don't know?!" Yoongi yelled.

"We just walking home and Y/n-ssi suddenly just dropped to the ground!" Haerin yelled, starting to panic.

"Uurrghh," they all heard a groan.

Y/n soon started to gain consciousness but everyone wanted to know what happened.

"Y/N-SSI!" Haerin squealed as she ran into Y/n's arms.

"I'll get you some water!" Yoongi exclaimed.

"What happened?" Y/n began to ask.

"You tell us! You scared the hell out of us!" Minji yelled in frustration.

"Here. Apparently you collapsed on the sidewalk," Yoongi answered the question as he passed Y/n-ah a cup of water.

"You should've have stayed home if you didn't feel good," Yoongi began to school.

"I was fine. I didn't feel sick at all!" Y/n started to whine.

"You promise you didn't feel sick?" Minji asked.

"Yeah, I was fine!" Y/n exclaimed in frustration.

"I mean I felt a little dizzy on the way home but that was about it. It's not like I felt sick or anything," Y/n-ah added.

"Well if you didn't feel sick than maybe it was something you ete?" Minji suggested.

"I didn't really eat today.. but I mean I had like some water but I doubt that could have done anything to me," Y/n answered.

"But you did eat. We had lunch together," Haerin suddenly interjected.

"Yeah, but I didn't eat anything. I wasn't hungry. I just wanted to make sure you ate," Y/n informed them.

"Wait, you didn't eat breakfast either and you've been skipping meals a lot," Yoongi suddenly interrupted.

"Yeah and you've been eating poorly at school too!" Minji suddenly realized.

Yoongi sighed in frustration and Minji was getting too angry at Y/n to keep talking.

The whole house got quiet while Haerin just buried her head into Y/n's chest, trying to get comforted from the sudden scared Y/n caused everyone.

- Haerin POV -

I felt so stupid to learn that Y/n-ssi hadn't eaten.

Y/n-ssi was so worried about taking care of me all day but I was too busy with my frog thoughts to pay attention to Y/n and what they were doing.

"Alright, we still need to take you to the doctor. Just to make sure you're okay or at least so you can get an IV drip," Yoongi Oppa suddenly spoke.

"Okay," Y/n-ssi responded as they kisses my forehead.

"Come on, off the floor!" Minji unnie said as she helped us up from the floor.

Soon, we were all in the emergency room watching Y/n-ssi get an IV drop.

The doctors had done some lab work and found that Y/n-ssi was extremely anemic. Y/n had also lost a lot of weight since I last saw them.... which made me feel bad that I hadn't noticed.

"I've been telling you to slow down and take care of yourself. Why wouldn't you listen?" Minji unnie kept on scolding Y/n-ssi.

It made me a bit jealous and upset that Minji unnie had noticed all these things and I hadn't.

"It's my fault," I whispered.

"It's not your fault Kang Haerin. Y/n's been like this for a few months now. Hardly eating, excessively working out, and not getting enough sleep. It's Y/n's own fault for not speaking up!" Unnie angrily responded.

"Months?" I thought to myself.

I felt even worse once I heard that.

Y/n and I had been dating for over 6 months now and I hadn't noticed anything. I hadn't even bothered to ask if they were okay.

"Seriously, you're not made of steel you know!!" Yoongi oppa began to scold too.

"Alright! If anyone here has the right to scold me, it's my girlfriend. So I get it! Just let me rest," Y/n-ssi suddenly whined.

"Fine," Oppa said and left to go pay.

Minji unnie suddenly leaned next to me and whispered... "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Mhm," I hummed.

Minji unnie and then walked to the hospital lobby and had a serious talk.

"I don't want you to feel bad or take this the wrong way but if you're not going to at least try to take care of Y/n then maybe you two shouldn't be together," Unnie told me in a serious tone.

"I know it's hard for you to interpret social queues and body language, but at least try to ask questions. Y/n wouldn't lie to you or ignore your questions. You have to at least ask if they ate or drank water or if they're feeling sick or how their day was.... because if you can't at least do that.... then you don't deserve to be with someone who does all that for you and more," Minji unnie said as she crossed her arms at me.

"All done. Let's get the fuck out of here!" Y/n-ssi suddenly said out of nowhere.

Y/n-ssi and Yoongi oppa looked like they were all done. Y/n had been discharged.

We all headed back home. Oppa invited Minji unnie for dinner and I felt a bit uneasy that she kept trying to take care Y/n.

Unnie was feeding Y/n soup like Y/n-ssi once did for me.

"I can't let myself lose Y/n-ssi to someone else," I kept thinking to myself.

But deep down I knew... other people weren't the problem... it was me.








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