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Minji and Y/n had been up all night. They had been drinking the whole night. Beer and wine, a dangerous mix at times.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Minji suddenly asked Y/n.

Minji had been contemplating on this question all night. She had contemplated for so long that she only managed to gain the courage to ask once she started to realize that the sun would soon start to rise.

Minji was having a nice time with Y/n-ssi.

Y/n and her had been drinking and sharing deep stories of their lives.... they had both let their guards down and shared intimate stuff.

- Minji POV -

I figured that if I didn't ask tonight.... that I would never have my question answered.

I had been wondering about this for a long time.

Not in a bad way.....

I just wanted to understand what it is that had Y/n-ssi all head over heels for Haerin from the start.

"What is it that you like about Haerin-ei so much?!" I abruptly asked.

Y/n chuckled a bit then took a sip of their beer.

"When I first started hanging out with Haerin... I used to get all tongue-tied and flustered.... I still get like that at times," Y/n-ssi began to speak with a wide smile on their face.

Y/n-ssi seemed so sucked into their memories that I could see their pupils dilating.

It was obvious Y/n was completely in love with Haerin.

"'I can't believe she wants to be with me.... I love everything about her,' I think to myself all the time," Y/n-ah continued to speak without a filter.

Each word was like a bullet to the chest.

"You really love her that much?" I asked, feeling a bit heartbroken.

"Yes.... she's just so.... perfect!" Y/n began to blush.

I couldn't help but take a painful deep breath.

It was difficult....

In one hand, I was so happy for one of my best friends. My annoying little sister that I had helped raised for a few years now.... but on the other hand... I was heartbroken.

The only person I had been able to deeply fall for in my youthful years..... had no eyes for anyone else but my silly little sister that could hardly understand what love looked like.

"At least now she's has a visual example of what love actually looks like," I often thought to myself.

"Perfect, huh?" I began to tease.

"Oh shut it!" Y/n whined in response.

"Haerin-ssi is just so... she's so... she makes me smile and her questions are just so interesting. How can you not want to know the answer to her question as well? Haerin just makes life seem more... abstract," Y/n sighed out with love.

"What do you mean?" I asked a bit confused by Y/n's extensive explanation.

Y/n seemed to take a painful breath.

I watched as they took one... two... three... sips of their beer before their lips started to quiver a bit.

I began to realize that maybe I shouldn't have asked my question.

"When you-..... when you've-," Y/n-ah began to stuttered.

Y/n stopped for a second and took a deep breath again. I was about to speak up and let 'em know that it was okay to not answer my question when Y/n-ah began to speak.

"When you've been depressed for so long. When you've been through so much.... life becomes..... stale and dull. A pit of pure repetition and predictable actions," Y/n explained.

"There comes a point where you've tried everything you can think of to make you feel something other than that constant feeling.....

Out of desperation, you try to cling to something that once brought you joy.... or you give up....

I didn't know I had given up....

Until Kang Haerin became my project partner," Y/n continued to share with caution.

"Kang Haerin, she made me scared. She made me feel flustered and embarrassed. She made me feel a lot of emotions I hadn't let myself feel in a while....

When I first saw her standing in front of the rain that day.... I was scared for her. She didn't seem scared of the rain at all... she seemed lost in the memories behind it.

It scared me to see myself in someone else.

After that, I began to feel other things for her.

I felt worried and curious. I wanted to know what she was thinking or doing or wanting. I was just genuinely intrigued about something for once in my life.

It felt special.

She felt special.

Like she was the one thing I had been wishing for since a young child," Y/n-ssi spoke with pure pain in each word.

The smile on their face pained me like nothing had ever pained me before.

It was as if my heart and brain had finally grasped that Y/n-ssi truly loved Kang Haerin.

I realized then that.... I was just like everyone else.

A part of me thought it was some sort of temporary feeling or God forbid some sort of charity. I thought Y/n-ssi was like the rest of us... just helping Haerin out of the goodness of their heart... because it's the right thing to do.

But that day.... I realized Y/n-ah actually saw Kang Haerin differently than everyone else.

"Kang Haerin is so special," Y/n whispered again as they began to blush.

"Indeed she is," I whispered to myself as I began to accept my defeat.

Everyone deserves to be loved and Haerin-ei deserved to be loved. She deserved it more than any of us.

Kang Haerin deserved someone just as special as her.







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