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Haerin and Y/n spent some time talking and telling each other what they need. It didn't take long for both of them to realize that they need to communicate a lot more than they already had.

Y/n-ssi agreed to tell Haerin how they're feeling when they feel it so Haerin doesn't have to try and guess.

While Haerin-ssi agreed to tell her worries and concerns to Y/n so Y/n-ssi won't feel so confused as to why Haerin is acting up.

The rest of the night, Haerin spent it crying... feeling bad about hurting Y/n's feelings, and apologizing over and over again for kissing Danielle.

- Y/N POV -

Haerin didn't end up falling asleep until 5am. She had been sobbing all night and apologizing.

I hadn't slept either... it was 7am when I got a text from someone, telling me to walk outside the house.

I put on my slides and a jacket then walked out to the front of the house..... to come face to face with Minji-ssi.

 to come face to face with Minji-ssi

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"Hi," She softly greeted.

"Hi," I awkwardly replied.

"Umm, Haerin is still asleep but you can come in and wait for her if you'd like" I told her.

"Actually, I came here to see you" Minji responded.

I gulped. I was nervous to find out why.

"We kissed," Minji-ssi abruptly said before I could ask why she wanted to see me.

"That night.... that night you ended up at my house. We kissed," She explained.

"I thought you said nothing had happened?" I asked a bit confused.

"I lied. I didn't want you to feel as guilty as I do," Minji responded in a sad tone.

"I don't understand. How did it even happen?" I asked in confusion, trying to remember the kiss.

"You asked me to kiss you... and like a dumbass... I did," Minji whispered.

She then took a deep breath and seemed to gather some courage.

"Did the kiss mean anything to you?" Minji suddenly asked.

"I- I- I don't kn-"

"Because I like you!" Minji-ssi abruptly confessed.

"The kiss meant something to me and it's been eating me alive since it happened," She whispered.

"I just want to know... if Haerin wasn't in the picture, would that kiss have been more?" Minji asked as she stared at the ground.

I took some time to think.

I wasn't ready for this.

"President, I-"

"Minji! Call me Minji," Minji-ssi interrupted before I could answer her.

"Minji... I do find you attractive and you're so smart and strong and definitely my type... but if you must know... yes, if things were different that kiss could have meant more... but it do-" I tried my best to answer Minji-ssi but before I could even finish The President grabbed me and started to drag me somewhere.

"Minji, where are we going?!" I asked all confused.

"It's too early for this shit," I thought to myself.

Before I knew it, Minji was dragging me into her house and up the stairs into her room.

When we got into her room, Minji started to take off my jacket and abruptly pushed me onto her bed.

I started to panic a bit once she got up and straddled me.

"Don't be with Haerin, be with me" Minji-ssi whispered before pressing her lips on mine.

I froze, unsure of what the hell was going on.

Minji soon pulled away and caressed my cheek before asking, "what's wrong?"

"Me and Haerin got back together last night," I informed her.

- Minji POV -

"Me and Haerin got back together last night," Y/n told me.

"I was too late," I whispered to myself as I got off Y/n-ssi.

After that kiss, the thought of being with Y/n was driving me crazy. I felt so much more guilty about wanting to be with Y/n than about kissing them.

I fought my feelings for a while and now that I had finally gathered the courage to share my feelings with Y/n... while Haerin and Y/n-ssi were broken up.... I was too late.

"I'm sorry, I got a little in over my head" I apologized.

"Umm, okay. I think I better go home before my girlfriend wakes up," Y/n-ssi awkwardly responded, emphasizing the word girlfriend.

Y/n was about to walk out of my room but before they could.... Y/n-ssi turned to say, "I was never here. This never happened, okay?"

"Okay," I lowly responded.

"Good," Y/n-ssi answered.

"WAIT! NO, NO, I CAN'T DO THAT ANYMORE!" I abruptly yelled in frustration.

"I can't keep hiding my feelings for you. It's driving me crazy," I sighed out.

Y/n-ssi sighed in frustration too.

"Let me help you move on then," Y/n coldly said.

"I love Haerin. I don't want to be with anyone who isn't her. You don't have a chance with me and neither do any of your friends. From now on, you're all not welcomed in the house. If you all really love Haerin as a friend, you will stop trying to meddle in our relationship. Please delete my phone number and forget that any of this ever happened," Y/n-ssi coldly spoke before walking out of the room and slamming the door behind them.







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