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Haerin didn't bring up the whole 'depressed' thing with Y/n. Mostly.... because she didn't know how to.

Still though, in the back of her head...

She wondered if she should bring it up or ask Karina about it.

- Haerin POV -

I was typing on my phone.... then deleting....  then typing again.

I kept trying to figure out how to ask Y/n-ah about being depressed or why they weren't sharing this information with me.

"Haerin unnie, it's time for our photoshoot!" Hyein-ei yelled from afar.

"Okay!" I yelled back and put my phone down.

As we were doing our photoshoot, the photographer suddenly stopped and asked... "aren't you all a little too young to be idols?"

Me and the girls all looked at each other.

No one responded because he was our elder.

The photoshoot continued.... but just about 10 minutes later.... the photographer stopped again.

"I mean there's really no reason for girls your age to be so overworked and idolized," The photographer spoke up again.

"What? You can't support children's dreams?" A person suddenly stepped in front of the cameraman.

"Y/N-AAHHH!!" The girl's suddenly squealed.

"Babe!" I screamed once I realized it was Y/n.

"Hi, Frog" Y/n blandly responded.

There was no smile.

I couldn't feel the good feelings I usually felt when I saw Y/n-ah. I felt a bit more worried than anything else.

"Jeez, you look like you haven't slept in weeks!" Minji unnie suddenly remarked.

I took a closer look at Y/n-ssi and could see the signs of lack of sleep.

Y/n had really big eye bags and their eyes were really red and watery. It was kind of hard to miss the fact the Y/n just looked very tired.

"I came to drop you guys off some food," Y/n-ssi suddenly told us.

"You're quiet rude to your elders!" The Photographer angry told Y/n-ah.

"Whatever," Y/n responded before handing us bags of food and walking away.

The girls all turned to stare at me and I was confused.

"What?" I asked.

"What was that about?" Hanni unnie asked a bit upset.

"Yeah? What's wrong with Y/n lately?" Dani unnie asked too.

"I don't know," I simply answered before walking off to put away the food.

- Y/N POV -

I had gone off to see Haerin and the girls to hopefully cheer up for a bit. Instead, I was greeted with a very rude photographer.

I was happy the girls' manager had even allowed me to come visit them at work, but it was probably a bad idea to show up.

As I walked home, I felt faint again.

"Dammit," I mummered.

I stopped in my tracks and slowly got down to sit on the floor to try to recollect my strength.

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