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While everyone is losing their minds over what had happened the night before, Haerin was laying in bed... wondering how she hurt Y/n.

Haerin still didn't understand how Y/n-ssi could be hurt when they didn't look hurt or upset at all when Y/n saw her kiss Danielle.

She wanted to talk to Y/n-ssi to understand things better but she was too scared to call up or text them.

If Y/n-ssi really is hurt over what she did then Y/n probably doesn't want to talk to her right now.

She kept on thinking all night and all morning.

- Haerin POV -

I wasn't sure why I kissed Dani unnie... but I did mean it when I told her I love her.

I love her a lot more than Minji unnie or Hanni unnie or Hyein.... but not more than Y/n-ssi.

I wasn't sure how to explain what I was feeling but Dani unnie just kept saying I was confused.

I didn't like being confused. It was an infuriating feeling.

"Just how you were hurt when you said Hanni unnie kiss Y/n-ssi.... Y/n-ssi was hurt when they saw us kiss," Dani unnie had explained.

But it just didn't make sense....

Y/n-ssi didn't seem upset or sad or angry even. Y/n was just calm and politely walked out of the room.

I understood though, I understood that Y/n wouldn't like it if I kissed someone else. I had seen them jealous before... and I had seen them get really protective of me.

Y/n-ssi was honest with me when they didn't like that my sunbaes were flirting with me or giving me attention.

So, why couldn't Y/n be honest with this? Why was Y/n-ssi choosing to spend time out of the house and not finished our talk?

"Should we call Y/n-ssi? See when they're gonna come home?" Dani unnie suddenly asked.

I took a deep breath, knowing I didn't wanna do that.

Y/n-ssi always knew how to explain things to me... and I didn't want to find out that I had hurt them.

"Hello!? We're home!" We suddenly heard Minji unnie's voice echo through the house.

Me and Dani unnie jumped out of bed... but just before we could walk out of the room, Y/n-ssi walked in with Minji unnie.

"Hi," Y/n awkwardly whispered to me.

"Hi," I uncomfortably responded... trying to look anywhere but at Y/n.

"Minji, what are you doing here?" Dani unnie suddenly asked.

"This idiot, ended up drunk at my house so I thought I'd escort them here to prevent them from doing even more stupid shit," Minji unni vulgarly spoke.

"I thought I told you two I didn't want you being friends," I angrily spoke once I heard Y/n-ssi had spent time at unnie's house.

"Seriously? Y/n spent all night heartbroken after you kissed someone else and you dare to get angry over us being friends!?" Minji unnie yelled at me.

"Can you girls please give us some time alone?" Y/n-ssi suddenly said in a serious tone.

"Yeah,".... "Okay," Dani unnie and Minji unnie responded.

Y/n took a big breath as the girls began to leave the room. The door closed behind them and I was about to speak when Y/n-ssi interrupted me.

"Here's how things are gonna go.... I don't wanna fight. I don't wanna talk. You probably don't even know what to say anyway.... I just want to break up," Y/n-ssi said.

"Breakup?" I unconsciously responded, trying not to freak out.

"Yeah, you can kept the bedroom to yourself for a while. I'll just sleep on the couch" Y/n-ssi responded.

"What?" I asked trying to run into Y/n's arms.

Y/n-ssi immediately stopped me from getting too close and said, "I'm tired. My head hurts, my body hurts, my heart hurts... right now I just want to sleep."

"Your heart hurts?" I whispered

Y/n-ssi didn't say anything.

"Y/n-ssi, I-"

"It's okay. You don't have to explain, you already apologized anyway" Y/n interrupted again.

" But-"

"Look it's fine, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.... and you didn't feel the same. Things like that happen... it's normal. Having feelings for someone else is normal, so don't worry about it, okay?" Y/n continued to not let me speak.

Y/n then patted my head before grabbing their workout gear.

"I DON'T WANT TO BREAK UP!!" I yelled as Y/n tried to leave the room.

Y/n-ssi just sighed and turned to look at me.

"I don't want to be with you anymore... and that's normal too. So, if brother asks... I'm at the gym," Y/n-ssi calmly responded then exited the room.

I followed after Y/n-ssi, not knowing what to say or do. I couldn't think of a solution so before I knew it, Y/n had already walked out of the front door.

My feelings eventually caught up to me and I started to cry.

I spent the rest of the day sitting on the floor and waiting by the front door for Y/n-ssi to come home.






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